
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Iannick's Red Templars Wrap-up

 Well here it is, the end of the line! And another OWAC project completed from yours truly. Woo!

It was a fun ride, although a very different ride for me. Painting 40K, something I hadn't done since the early 90s when I was listening to to Guns N' Roses and drinking copious amount of Mountain Dew, was a completely new experience. 

What did I learn? Well a few things :

1. I'll admit I cannot understand how people can paint huge armies of Space Marines. I was pretty burnt out by the end of it. So monochromatic! 

2. Remind me to never do a project that involves massive amount of edge highlighting

Still, I'm super happy with this force, I'm going to use it for sure (I'm coming for your purple false marines Blue). It was clearly an "out of my comfort zone" project, and I like to push myself here and there, so success!

The completed force. Yep, all infantry. No shortcuts, pretty proud of that fact.

My original list looked like this :

- Lieutenant Commander Martin (Major Hero) : 94 pts
- Lieutenant (Minor Hero) : 50 pts
- Chaplain (Champion) : 19 pts
- Librarian (Epistolary) : 50 pts
- 2 Techmarines : 34 pts
- 2 Medics (Champion) : 68 pts
- 3x Tactical squads : 750 pts
- 1x Terminator squad : 450 pts
- Terminator Captain (Hero) : 150 pts
- Contemptor Dreadnought : 201 pts
- Conqueror Robot : 160 pts

So, what did I painted?

The Terminator squad and hero

First Squad

2nd Squad

3rd Squad

The Medics

The Techmarines

Standard bearer and Captain

The Librarian

The Chaplain 

So the final list looks like this :

- Lieutenant Commander Martin (Major Hero) : 94 pts
- Lieutenant (Minor Hero) : 50 pts
- Chaplain (Champion) : 19 pts
- Librarian (Epistolary) : 50 pts
- 2 Techmarines : 34 pts
- 2 Medics (Champion) : 68 pts
- 3x Tactical squads : 750 pts
- 1x Terminator squad : 450 pts
- Terminator Captain (Hero) : 150 pts
- Contemptor Dreadnought : 201 pts
- Conqueror Robot : 160 pts
- Terrain !

So basically I managed to paint almost everything I wanted, minus the robot and Dread. I'll probably have to paint these two one day to round out my force. But still, pretty happy with my focus.

And here's a few extra pics of the boys in action amongst the ruins of Fortuna III :

And the mandatory Warhammer Armies pose pic

So, next year? Nothing concrete yet, but in all probability, I expect to be back in the Old World. I missed the units.

And so this conclude this edition of the OWAC, our fourth and without a doubt our best, both in terms of numbers of participants and quality of armies and entries. It was spectacular (and also very demanding from yours tuly, I probably reached my participants limits!) Congratulation to all participants who managed to finish the challenge, let's do it again next year!

PaulM's - OWACIV Chaos Wrap-Up (1215pts)

OWAC IV - Wrap up

Like Eisenhorn, I don't know how to smile

Hello youse.

I finished it...sort of. I must admit that though I enjoyed the community aspect, I found this year's challenge somewhat of a struggle. Mainly, I think, because I fell out of love with the army about half way through. Regardless, I'm rather pleased with my little force (army is too generous a term). Even If I do have my own personal Field of bones in the form of 5 knights, a Jabberwock and a Beastman Bray-Shaman that never saw paint, which has also meant that my duel purpose army (3rd and 6th) is only legal in one of those editions due to my laziness!

Still, not to be deterred I've started amassing a small selection of GW, Harlequin and Grenadier Wood Elves for next year, because apparently I'm a glutton for punishment. Though maybe I'll actually do all the cleaning up, basing, undercoating and such before the challenge starts; like a certain Canuck Overlord suggested previously. Might avoid a lot of frustration...

My final army list is as below (with pictures):

Kagan the Hollow (Chaos Champion)                125pts

The Hollow Lords (14 Chaos Marauders)            546pts

Frak'gor Brakentusk (Lvl 10 Beastman Hero)    110pts

The Wormsore (Beastmen)                                     190pts          

Korrag's Kompany (3 mercenary ogres)                114pts

The Retch Twins (2 trolls)                                        130pts

Grand Total:                                                         1215pts (or about 800ish in 6th)

Congrats to all my OWAC IV compadres, commiserations to those that found themselves amongst the bones. Onwards to next year! (maybe)

Just John's Undead Legion wrap up

I did it! I can't believe I actually did it! That is the most productive 6 months I have had in years. I'm not sure I achieved all that I wanted but I certainly achieved more than I expected. Short of the slight disaster with Mikael Jaecsen I now have the undead forces needed for the Lichemaster campaign, which was the my aim in this years OWAC. In fact I have more than I need for the campaign which is even better.

Here's the obligatory army shot. 

Here's Heinie and his henchmen.

And here are some photos of the individual units again.

The main thing I've learned from this is that with a bit of motivation and a bit of organisation I can actually get stuff painted. Which is great. Now if I could just start painting earlier in the month and not leave everything till the second half I might get more done. Still, lessons have been learned for next year (hopefully).

Thanks Iannick - its been a blast. Well done everyone else who finished the challenge, hearty comradely back slapping all around.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Maciek's classic undead: Wrap-up (1776 points)

My first OWAC is complete!

I can hardly believe I made it to the end. Looking at the models helps it to sink in. So, without further ado, here is the whole army with the mugshot:

 Job's a good'un!  :-)


This was my most focused and productive painting project to date. The result is 69 figures in 6 months (inc. 11 cavalry), which is a lot by my standards. Without OWAC it would take years for me to paint that many figures. Hence the smug expression on the selfie. What made it possible? What can be improved? For me, a combination of multiple factors:

Strong inspiration - that was the main factor in staying motivated. This army was a nostalgia trip to the 90s when I was first exposed to Warhammer and started painting figures. At that time my hobbies were mostly RPGs and heavy metal, not wargames. But back then a Warhammer army of undead would have been my choice. So thanks OWAC, that is one childhood dream fulfilled ;-)

Planning & preparation - Prepping models in advance and planning monthly batches helped a lot. There is room for improvement here - months when work deadlines were parallel to OWAC deadlines were pretty tense (that was 4 of the 6 months...). I'll have to plan less for these months next time.

Monthly deadlines - wonderful motivator. I now know I need a cracking whip to deliver regularly and keep working ;-)

Balance - keeping the balance of family commitments, work and OWAC was the greatest challenge. Improvement for next time is more steady work, less mad dashes at the end of the month. Painting just when the mood strikes may not be enough.

Variety - I (barely) managed to stick to one army for 6 months because it offered some variety in types of undead allowing to try out new things each month. I'll plan maximum variety in next projects.  

Feedback - peer feedback helps! Many thanks to the great community of this challenge for the "moral support".

OWAC army breakdown (1737 points):

- 20 skeletons with spears inc. undead hero and command (January) - 343 pts

- 11 Death riders (February & March) - 335 pts.

- 20 zombies with standard (April) - 88 pts.

- 10 ghouls (May) - 80 pts

- the Necromancer (Level 25) - (June) - 340 pts

- the Vampire (Level 5) - (June) - 330 pts

- Wight standard bearer (Level 15 undead hero)  - (June) - 135 pts

- Vampire wannabe - (Level 15 undead hero) - (June) - 85 pts

 Bonus stuff (0 points):

- 9 skeletons (January + July)

- Skull chucker catapult! (July)

January - Skeletons 

20 Skeletons with spears 
Bonus skeletons
 February and March - Death riders 
11 Death riders

April - Zombies
20 zombies

May - Ghouls

10 Ghouls
June - heroes

July - bonus stuff
Things panted in July are not part of OWAC and I claim no points for them. But they were prepared for OWAC and painted on the motivation rush generated by it. Hence, I take the liberty to include them in the wrap-up post, to demonstrate OWAC's lasting impact.

1 x Screaming skull catapult. I love the malevolent crew and the goofiness of the catapult. Gave it a scenic base and a string for some added "realism" (probably not the word to use for this device).
5 x old plastic skeletons. These guys spent 25 years as broken and badly painted pieces in the bitz box or decorating bases. They were cleaned and put together for OWAC and I'm happy to be returning them to service.
Next steps
This OWAC covered most of my undead collection, though some units still await the brush - armoured wights, wraiths and more heroes. But for now, the Undead are strong enough to hold their own in the field. So for the time being, I will hold their further expansion and switch gears
In next months I will focus on smaller projects - more warbands for Mordheim. Next year, I would love to join the OWAC V, if Iannick will grant me a place. 
Assuming I get a place my first choice would be a multi-culti "Grey Mountains Alliance" - Dwarfs and Bretonnians. An alliance born of necessity to fight the green-skin (and occasionally wood elf) menace. It would feature mostly imperial dwarfs and allied feudal Bretonnians (go heraldry!). I have already started preparations and filling gaps in my collection.
But there is another, darker path and its lure has been growing stronger. An army of mortals, beasts and demons under the banner of Chaos undivided. Recent stimuli have further fuelled that inspiration - pictures of delightful Chaos armies in OWAC IV, newly discovered chronicles of Corum by Moorcock or a recent visit to Beksinski's exhibition in Warsaw (which resulted in an instant gain of d6 insanity points).

OWAC IV was an amazing ride. Inspiring, motivating, very challenging, often exhausting, at times tense, but ultimately... immensely satisfying.  It was an honour to be part of it.

Beyond a newly panted army my biggest gain is awareness that I can paint faster, stay focused on one subject and what conditions I need to do it. This opens possibilities to actually paint my lead pile before retirement.
Many thanks to Iannick for organising this collective madness. This challenge brings about more painted Oldhammer models into existence. That alone makes the world a better place :-) Plus, as an added bonus, it makes a lot of figure painters happy! Kudos to you!

Thanks to the other challengers for feedback and congratulations for all your amazing work!  It has been a source of inspiration and motivation during this challenge. I am looking forward to reading all the wrap-ups!

Cheers and hope to see you next year!