
Thursday, June 30, 2022

"If you hear a goose, Duck!" Byron's Hakbutschutzen of Gusseldorf - Rank and File Month (191 points)

 This month's entry is my unit of handgunners. They are only 10 models big. I painted them in the Güsseldorf colors of Blue and Yellow. Their feathers are painted whitish grey to look like goose feathers.

The unit's standard bears a goose feather across an arquebus on a blue field. On the reverse there is the regimental motto in yellow gothic font: "Wenn du eine gans horst, duck!" which translates to "when you hear a goose, duck!"

I sculpted the regiment to have fairly lethargic poses, except for the leader, to represent the relative inactivity of forces on the battlefield. Most of war is really just marching around, and even when fighting it's mostly reloading the cumbersome handguns. After painting these, I had a pair left over, these are going to get converted to add a little more variety to the poses - at least one in a shooting pose and another futzying with his satchel. 

Next, I painted up 3 more halberdiers for my halberdier regiment. This brings them up to 18 now. 

Finally, I present Hans die Gans (Hans the Goose) - he is a Gaston-like figure from Gusseldorf. So we can imagine him as a local folk hero (bully) who is ready to brawl with local beastmen.

Handgunners                                              96 pts
Hans                                                           68 pts
Halberdiers                                                27 pts
Total                                                         191 pts

Paul D's month Six, ten Samurai (500 points)

By hook and by I crook I got here, but, I'm not sure how! I'll be honest, haven't made the best job of this months entry - as I just wanted to get them done. So, no washes or fine details, just flat colour applied with all the grace of a household paint brush, or at least that's how I feel they look., sorry.

Here's their story in pictures from my initial application to their basing material being applied


Hopefully, when their mixed in with the others they'll be hidden.

Grant's Wood Elf Host - Month 6 *Wild Card* (760pts)

And just like that, it was the end of June!

Feels like it was only a couple of weeks ago that the challenge started, and now it’s basically over. I had some plans for this month, but they didn’t end up coming all the way to fruition. I had planned a Zoat, but it’s still lying in paint stripper. I’d also planned to do the movement trays, but other plans got in the way. Work got super busy, and movement trays aren’t the most exciting things to paint.

I also took a holiday with some pals down to a stately home in Monmouth, South Wales. Spent 5 days drinking, and playing Magic and Board games. Was very pleasant, and would massively recommend it, but it’s knocked me out of my painting rhythm massively, as well as causing my hands to shake in the immediate aftermath for some reason.

So, without further excuses about what I didn’t do this month, this is what I’ve done.

1 Treeman – 280pts



The classic 'give us a hug' pose. I painted the lichen in the same way as I painted the green on the Wood Elves, in an effort to unify the Trees as part of the army.

1 Treeman – 280pts



The other of the Trish Morrison classics. I have a more modern Durthu, but it doesn't resonate with me nearly as much as these two. I'll probably add it after the challenge, but I didn't have time to finish it before the end of this month.

1 Forest Giant – 200pts*



This is an interesting addition for a couple of reasons. First, it breaks the self imposed 'all Citadel' rule that I'd made for myself at the start. This is a Ral Partha Cloud Giant miniature. Secondly, it's not actually in the 3rd edition Wood Elves list.

I thought that a Forest Giant would make a cool centrepiece, and that if I wasn't allowed to use him as a Giant, he'd make a decent Durthu in a game of 4th+ or Renaissance. I did do a bit of justification for his inclusion in Giant form, and present the following, from my trusty, dog eared copy of Warhammer Armies.


As you can see, clear as day - Giants live in the Forest. Wood Elves ally with inhabitants of Forests. I rest my case!

Looking forward to next month, and my best Bryan Ansell pose looming over my army. It's been a great first challenge. I've got a wonderful new/old army that I didn't before. I'd encourage anyone who's on the fence to get involved and add to it next year. There can never be enough old warhammer armies in the world.

June - Filippo's Iron Warriors - Rank&File Month (445 points)


Second OWAC done, I'm free again!

It was almost impossible to paint this month, it's even hotter than last year, but I managed to do what was left and even add something else.

11 Iron Warriors, splitted in two 5 men squads plus one model missing from last month. Two Autocannons, one Lascannon and two Missile Launchers. 

5x Chaos Squad (125)
2x Autocannon (40)
1x Lascannon (35)

5x Chaos Squad (125)
2x Missile Launcher (70)

Total: 395 points

Surprise for this month, a lovely Imperial Guard Command Tower made by my friend Davide Giurissini. This year he also learned how to add an incredibly detailed texture to the walls, painting it took me less than one hour and the result is awesome!

And so it is, the army is completed! 

See you next month!

Overlord note : 50 extra points for the terrain, even though its not a wld card month. I'm a generous Overlord.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

AdamH’s Skaven - June Wildcard! – Big brutal bully bois (1100 Points)

Here we are once again, the final month and me trying to one-up my surprise drops from previous years.

Well my original plan was to do a large show piece model but I simply ran out of time, it is the only model that I didn’t get finished from my original planned list though so I don’t feel that bad about it. I did however manage to sneak in one surprise model not featured in my original list, and it is one of my all-time favourite Warhammer figures, the original Demon of the Horned rat; the Vermin Lord!

We all know the saying; blood for the blood god, skulls for the throne, cheese for the horned rat.

I 3D printed a little bit of scenery for his base just to give him a little bit of elevation so he can stand above the mere mortal vermin he commands. Painting wise there isn’t much special here, other than the lighter skin from the rest of the rats, mainly to stand out a bit. He has much more bling though in the form of some gold sparkly bits and warpstone bands, necklace and glaive.

Next up we have a chunky unit of Rat Ogres, following a similar scheme to the Vermin Lord these boys certainly stand out amongst all of the sea of brown of the army:

I also painted up Skweel but am using him just as a regular packmaster in this list, however the model is nice so I thought I would show him off separately:

Here we have everything together:

My submission for June is as follows:






Vermin Lord (600)




Rat Ogres (40)



Packmaster (10)





But Adam I hear you say, the Vermin Lord is cool and all but isn’t really a one-up on any of your previous submissions, is that it? Rude but I get what you are saying, unfortunately I didn’t get the time to paint anything else but I do have one other new Skaven related submission for your approval, please be aware that it is still a WiP though:

Clearly my tattoo artist is a much better "painter" than I am.

I wonder if our overlord will give me any points for that?

Overlord note : I kinda have to, hey? I shall it consider it terrain on flesh, definitely Wild Card. +100 pts.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

JUNE: Tom's Space Orks - Wildcard (176points)

June - Wildcard month!

Absolutely steamed through this month, and then completely ran out of puff in the last week. Having used all my 'safety net' models (except a few of the Snotling lads below), I knuckled down and painted hard, and now I don't want to paint another orky thing for a while 😅

Lil' snotling runty assistants:
I'm not one really for specifically going out and collecting, say a complete range of minis from the get go. However, nearing the end of the challenge, I had a look through the catalogues and saw that my gretchin range was nearly complete. I put a call out on one of those facebook trading pages, and lo, these snotling guys came up... How could I say no! (I am still rooting around for a few, but they are nigh on impossible to find).

Monday, June 27, 2022

Mariano´s Wood Elves - Glade raiders - Heavy cavalry II (299 points)

 WILD CARD (Rank and File month #V)


For the last month I have painted my last unit, another heavy cavalry unit. With the second one I have achieve one of my main objetives for this OWAC. The sculpt on the riders are ones of my favourites on the whole Wood elves range.

The painting was a little bit boring, I just had to repeat what I have done on the previous one. But to make it more interesting, Gods sent me a heat wave in Spain, what a pain painting at 40ºC/104ºF degree. 

What have I done this month...?

7 x Glade riders (light armour + lances + music + stardard bearer)                                             Total: 299
Total points: 1828

Time to show my last monthly work... hope you like them

Yes, we have a musician

I have finished the OWAC really tired. I really don´t want to paint any other horse in my life (and I have another 9 waitting for me... in the future). But as the last year I´m so happy because I´m closer to paint all my Wood Elves miniatures. Can´t wait to do a pic of all the models painted on this OWAC and, furthermore, to do a pic with the current state of my army.

Mustafa’s GSC and Nids. Total so far 1908 points (179 points)

 And done!

Here’s my final entry, and fittingly it’s my leader.

72 points for the fat patriarch, and 107 points for the magus. I didn’t factor in any points of his toady. He could have been counted as a proxy icon bearer I suppose but he looks like the kind of bloke who’d be happier hiding behind the throne, doesn’t he?

As with the rest of the army, it was  washes and drybrushing for these three. I did gift them red robes to make them stand out a little, but I still wanted them to look kind of grubby.

I’ve been after the fat patriarch for ages, and this challenge gave me the perfect opposite to get one and get him painted.

Right, time for me to do some curls so I can rock a sleeveless T-shirt in the end of challenge round up!

Lissanne's Rainbow Warriors- Wildcard month! (724 pts) Tarkus!

Bet you weren't expecting a scratchbuilt baneblade this month!  Actually, this has been sitting around unpainted and in need of repair for decades. It is from the Baneblade pattern in that old White Dwarf.  I originally built it as a salvage vehicle/stage for my harlequins in 2nd edition, but the game went to 3rd before I could finish. Here are a couple mandatory progress pics of it after I repaired and primed it, first white then blue. 

   Since I won't play any Emperor loving troops, because he's a sexist dick,  there it sat.  Until I picked it up & dusted it off for my Rainbow Warriors. I decided to be somewhat faithful to my Harlequins, so the Tarkus paint job,  if I can ever use it as Harlequin salvage it will still fit!   And this falls under allied forces for the Rainbow Warriors, the Baneblade Tarkus!  And of course the turrets are fully mobile.

The Tarkus on one side is from the official alternate art used in the original ad copy BTW.  The other is from the Gatefold album cover.   I actually wanted to put more scenes from Tarkus on this and originally did, but it looked busy and muddy, so I did armor and rainbows instead.  I ended up painting that top turret 3 times, LOL!  I painted 2 different versions of Eruption, which is just too dark, so more rainbows!.

 Also this month I did the last terminator I need for that Space Hulk list, Spitfire with a flamer, and a chainfist companion Purple Dart to fill out another squad for my 12 squad challenge.  Next month I will go down the actual list and show the finished terminators!   I actually have everything for the series of Space Hulk games now, and a few more besides!

Baneblade 634 pts  Tarkus with Party Cannon!
2 terminators  42 pts each    84 pts
flamer 6 pts

total 724pts

Also, a great sendoff for Pride Month, going out in style!

"Have mercy on our uniform
Man of peace or man of war
The peacock spreads his fan"

Leonard Cohen