
Saturday, December 31, 2022

John Bentley's Dwarf Intro Post - Small Army BIG Reward

 A small sturdy dwarf force to be reckoned with. Ready to take on all that stand in their way from weakling elgi to the oversized Ogri.

Who better to lead a mighty dwarven host than Bugman himself.


You cant have Bugman without his trusty Rangers


The backbone of any dwarf army a unit of Warriors

Shields from oldschool miniatures

I dropped one while priming so hopefully will find it soon

Thunderers take aim and clear the way 


A mighty unit of Hammerers to pound whoever stands in their way

again the shields from oldschool miniatures

The model that caught my attention and got me into table top miniatures the destructive Flame Cannon
(my first and still one of my favorite models of all time)


A big ogre from oldschool miniatures for the big boss man

(The dino in the background is a present from my youngest son and good luck charm. Spike!)

Ratwig's OWAC VI Opening Post: WAB Age of Arthur

Greetings folks! and welcome to my version of OWAC VI. This year's slave sent to the overlord is the one that would have gone last year if I could have just managed to paint him in time for the start of OWAC V. Anyway, I give you Mox Mon on a Cold One, whose brother Mox Mox, from OWAC IV, got him volun-told to go to the land of chill and serve the witch king. Mox Mon has even painted the overlord's colors on his shield.

This year, the overlord said we could do GW side projects, which included Warhammer Ancient Battles. I have had an unpainted Romano-British Civitate, Twilight of Britannia army for the "The Age of Arthur" supplement sitting around for a long time and so, since I'm taking a break from Dark Elves for a while, here we go. The army will be around 1500 points as that is what is called for in the supplement. I'm breaking it down into submissions as I plan to paint the prepared figs first and scramble later when trying to assemble the figs for later submissions. In order of planned submission, here goes:


 31 x Pedyt led by a Decurio, with full command, and large shields: 255 points total

 23 x Geoguth led by an Atheling with full command and throwing spears: 298 points total


17 x Milites led by a Tribune with full command, javelins, large shields and light armor: 345 points total

The next two units and the command figures are located in this pile of Late Roman cavalry.

They consist of:


          1 x Dux, Army Commander, mounted with shield, light armor, javelins and throwing spear - 204 points

          1 x Tribune, Army Standard Bearer, mounted with shield, light armor, javelins - 160 points

     10 x Commanipulares guard cavalry, with full command - 265 points

     11 x Equites light cavalry, with full command - 202 points

 There you have it, my planned insanity for the next six months or so...

Off to find some Jack to get this shindig rolling!

Ratwig out

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Chris' Second OWAC Army - Introduction - The Chaos Dwarf Host of Zharr Naggrund

I didn't plan to build a chaos dwarf army.  Already having a large chaos army with a chaos dwarf contingent and expected to leave it at that.  

That said a complete Chaos Award army came along and I yielded to temptation.   Hence the Chaos Dwarf Host of Zharr Naggrund, ready for paint.

The army consists of 50 chaos dwarf warriors, 16 crossbows, 20 handgunners, 2 bazukas, 4 mortars, 5 boar centaurs, 4 cannons and 2 large cannons.

I may undercoat them this year but am on vacation for Christmas so work will decide if time allows.

There is also a juggernaut but its currently without a crew and will be added later to complete the host, along with a mostly pre-slotta hobgoblin contingent, but they are a challenge for another day.

Finally the overlord offering, ready to be shipped.....

Jaakko's Introduction - Slargash the Defiler and his Evil Entourage

The screams of fleeing peasants, smell of burning flesh and warming his hands in the flames of blazing farmhouses were usually enough to make Slargash smile. Not today. For some reason he was feeling more empty than usual - a nagging feeling had been bothering him for a long time now. He had been running this band of chaotic beings for some time now and had hoped it to be a bit more colourful. A lot more colourful to be more truthful.


Slargash had been waving his little souvenir skull and flexing his arms for some time now to get some attention from The Great Painter. While literal armies of dwarves and undead had been coloured, he had to settle with a lousy white undercoat. He felt miserable. The only comfort was that his warband had it even worse, many of them were still in bits!


Slargash made up his mind. He had heard of an arduous six-month long ritual that could solve everything for good. With the help of the Mad Spell twins (what kind of a mother names both of her twin daughters Quel’lequeck?) he will go for it. They had read signs from the bowels of a freshly opened peasant and they were auspicious. On the first light of the first day of the new year it will all begin. The Great Painter will be summoned!


You are warmly welcomed to follow the epic efforts of Slargash the Defiler and the Quel ’lequeck Mad Spell twins on a quest to have their chaotic army painted. Will they have the endurance to continue the ritual for the whole six months? Will they need a breather, or will wild card month be the most epic of them all?



And hello from me too! I’m Jaakko, a first-time Old World Army Challenger. I have been following the challengers of previous years with awe and finally had the courage to join in. I have been painting and collecting miniatures for a few decades already, but it took a Covid lockdown to actually finish painting an army. Increased hobby time felt really good and balancing and so I try to paint a bit daily at the moment.

My project will be a Warhammer Fantasy Battle 3ed Chaos army. The miniatures I have collected to the project (so far) consists of a body of actually old models reinforced with old school ones from present day manufacturers. I have prepped the following for this challenge:


Character models:

-Slargash the Defiler, lvl 20 sorcerer, 240 pts

-Quel’lequeck Mad Spell x2, lvl 10 sorcerers, 170 pts


Rank and file:

-12 Thugs, 112 pts

-6 Thug horse, 140 pts

-10 Marauders, 390 pts

-10+5 Marauders on horse, 450 + 225 pts

-16 Chaos Warriors, 1258 pts

-2 Beastmasters with 8 chaos hounds, 214 pts

-9 Minotaurs, 360 pts


Wild card:

-Chaos war altar, 66 pts


Total points for all these would be around 3500 points. I have been collecting the army for a while now and decided to prep the whole bunch. The cavalry units and warriors make me a bit nervous as I expect them to be more laborious. If I stay consistent for the whole six months I think it's doable and I will do my best to finish them all.


Slargash has acquired (all the way from the Tilean Evil Bay) a classic ghost as an offering to the Benevolent Overlord. The Ghost will be banished as the essential ethereal component required to initiate the ritual.

Tune in for the second episode to hear how The Ghost was coloured and what happens next!

Overlord note : The Overlord was in a giving mood so allowed Jaako's to show off his offering with his January post, as Ebay shipping delays were not kind to our new challenger.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Ian's Intro post - Mordheim

Hello everyone,

My name is Ian McMurray, I am from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I am French Canadian (yeah I know, McMurray…) so please be indulgent with my written prose.

OWAC V was my first time. I painted a small part of my goblin pile of shame for the challenge to add to my already existing goblin army. It was a great experience to challenge myself and share my work with all the participants and readers. I knew I had no chance to win but that was not my goal. I really enjoyed having a monthly task and stick to it, building a small army month after month. I think I did a decent job and was quite proud of it. I still didn’t find some time to play my first game in about 30 years though…

Of course, I wanted to enter OWAC VI and was frantically spending a ridiculous amount of money to acquire enough Big Hat Chaos Dwarfs (which I had absolutely none in June 2022) for this next challenge. That was before the Overlord decided that OWAC VI could be something different… So all those weird looking evil dwarfs will have to wait another year (more time to buy more, sadly) and my aim shifted to Mordheim, the city of the damned. I bought quite a nice amount of the original miniatures in the last 4-5 years and, more so, a complete box set of the game with all the original content.

I love Mordheim. I love the grimdark setting and lore. I love the art and stories in the books and supplements, the weird and disturbing characters. I am attract to the hopelessness and filthy destroyed streets of the damned city. Having a warband of a dozen of miniatures that can evolved, or get decimated, is very appalling and a complete change from the hundreds of goblins and undead I’ve been painting those last few years. So I am very excited to have the opportunity to paint 4 warbands for OWAC VI. Each month will be something new and will be a breath of fresh air compare to painting an army of repetitive miniatures. So here’s my goal for OWAC VI :


Each warband with their game’s point value will be described in details each month. For now, here are a few more pictures of each one.

Beastmen Warband

Possessed Warband

Skaven Warband

Witch Hunters Warband

There might be some changes or additions to each warband if I have time to paint more but that's about it. I will have a special character not showed on the pictures as my leader month (I have a few choices) and might try to do some scenery in my wildcard month.

Here's my offering to the Mighty Overlord. It will be delivered in person in May or June.

Good luck to all the OWAC VI participants.

Peace, love, health and fun for 2023.


CopperOracle II. Introductory Post

My first OWAC was a blast and I have stepped back into the ring for another hit this year!
When I came across the OWAC my Bloodbath project was first thing that came to mind and although I settled last year on my Space Marine force ( a debt owed to my childhood self) this year I have taken a Fantasy Army

Bloodbath at Orc's Drift was my introduction into the Games Workshop universe and was a Warhammer Fantasy Battle Scenario supplement to the 2nd Edition rules.
Loosely based on the Zulu Wars and the battle of Rorke's Drift but with Orcs taking the place of the Zulus and an alliance of Elves, Dwarfs and men for the British.
I played this endlessly as a child, using the card counter armies and dreaming of being able to afford the Army Deal of everything for £90! 

Scroll ahead a few years (to 2015!) and I came across a very battered Guthrum Mane the Hill Giant. Restored and repainted I started to acquire all of the figures and build the buildings to bring the whole Campaign to life!

With each of the factions being divided into unit Command cards I have been working though various cards and decided to focus on the Orcs for this Challenge 

With one of the Orc units, the Vile Runes, already completed I have a painting scheme already planned

The Vile Rune Tribe

The whole collection with painted and unpainted units as well as some additional Orc War Machines

The F'yar Guard will be made up of converted Gudruk Bonechewer models from Rugluds Armoured Orcs 

52 figures including ten Hobhounds and a War Wyvern which will complete three Command Cards  with a planned breakdown

1. January  - Ten Severed Hand Orcs (Troop)
2. February  - Ten Hobhounds and Handler (Troop)
3. March - Ten Severed Hand Orcs (Troop)
4.April - Ten Severed Hand Orcs (Troop)
5. May - King F'yar and F'yarr Guard, Hagar Sheol (Leader)
6. ? 

For stretch goals I also have several Orc Warmachines, two Snotling Pump Wagons and two Balista's which I will try and add along the way and maybe a start on the last Orc Command Card (another 40 Orcs and two leaders!)

For this years Overlord Offering and token of esteem for all of his hard work, the theme was horror and I selected a classic Marauder Vampire. The figure had originally had some detail work on the chest plate but I removed it and added some dents, it looked more like an armoured plate it wore against stakes and now wore it with arrogant pride to show of how it had survived despite the attempts!  The pose had also inspired me to set him bursting out of a coffin.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Mustafa’s intro post: They aren’t ogres!

 So, I assembled a load of plastic ogre fatties with the intention of making a mercenary contingent for this challenge.

Glued them all, affixed them to bases, and got rid of all the mould lines. I was good to go, ready to rock and roll!

And then I got a pile of Foundry metal skeletons in the post from Grove and the ogre plan went straight out the window!

The guy on the left will be my leader. He’s absolutely huge, like almost ogre size! He’s from the Pantheon of Chaos project I worked on years ago. The lovely lady on the right will be part of the ethereal host. She’s from the Of Gods and Mortals Celt range and will make a perfect wraith.

There’s all the undead goodness from Foundry. They all have a lovely old school feel to them, literally and figuratively. As soon as I held them I thought, I have to do a metal army. We’ve got a unit of guys with hand weapons, one with spears and armour, archers led by a ranger looking skellie, some hand weapon lads with some armour, and a handful of crossbows.

Finally, the monstrous host of two giant spiders and a swarm, courtesy to Seán and Doti of Katsina Minis.

It may not be a horde, but it’s comparable in size to the old Marauder Miniatures Undead allied contingent. I’ll be using the actual undead list rather than the allies one though as I do want to add those fat hairy spiders! In total it works out to around 730 points for all the rank and file stuff, 340ish for the monstrous host, and I’ve still yet to work out the points for the leader.

There are still some dark corners of the hobby room I’ve yet to fully explore, so there is a chance I may add a few more bits to the list.