
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

James WRR's Rank & File Month 1: Daemonic incursion

Right, so that January went by pretty fast, didn’t it? You know what they say: "Time flies when you’re having fun. But don’t have too much fun because eventually you’ll create a Chaos god of hedonism and excess." The Eldar learned that the hard way.

You may remember from my introductory post that I was struggling a bit to find a colour scheme for my burgeoning Rogue Trader Emperor’s Children army. 


I wanted to both embrace the colour-puke of a true Oldhammer Chaos army, while also giving the force some kind of consistency. I wanted to avoid blue, if I could help it, as all my Chaos Space Marine armies of the past have somehow ended up largely blue. I wanted to lean towards Goblin Green bases but not too far (for both flexibility’s sake and because 40k only really embraced the pure green base in second edition). 


In short, my colour scheming was full of contradictions and competing ideals. Much like the concept of Chaos itself. Perfect! It’s a sign!


In the end I decided to jump into painting my force not with the basic Tactical Marine trooper, but with a rainbow of lesser Daemons. I thought that, if I could make such wild and wacky creatures, each painted in a unique colour, work as a cohesive unit, then I was onto a winner. 


So, with a quick prayer of purity and protection, a vow of abstinence (I was doing Dry January), and a full glass of paint water, I dove in… and succeeded in summoning a beautiful first squad. What do you think of these lovely crab-clawed succubi?

The first decision I tend to make when coming up with a colour scheme is picking a nice triad. That is, three colours that compliment and contrast each other well (just place a triangle on a colour wheel and you'll create your first triad). 


When painting evil forces, I usually find myself picking a nice, dark, neutral base colour for the largest parts of the model (think armour panels and so on). Then I choose a brighter, more intense spot colour that will be applied to the most prominent, relevant aspects of a model (trim, weapon casings, claws, etc.). Then, I choose a very vibrant colour, complimentary to the first but contrasting to the second, which will be used to pick out certain details (energised items, power swords, cables, eye lenses, etc.).

This triad technique has served me pretty well over the years. Following this rule allows me to pretty effortlessly create models with enough contrast and visual interest to be worth close study, but enough visibility and clarity to look great from a few feet away on the tabletop. 


Of course, once you have the rules down, you can start to break them, using splashes of competing colours and patterns to really add flavourful detail. And I really wanted my Renegade to be full of flavour.


Mmmm. Flavour. (Editors note: do not attempt to taste the lead figurines).

But what was my triad going to be for these traitorous Space Marines? I already had one colour sorted: a beautiful, rich burgundy-based pink that I just absolutely love. It’s at once deep and villainous, but also flamboyant and suitably Slaaneshi. Of course I had to apply this to my otherwise pastel Daemonettes. I think, along with the base, this pink really ties them together.


That just left the base colour for my armour panels. With the pink sorted, I knew that I had to give in and go for something on the cooler end of the spectrum: either the blue I wanted to avoid, a neutral black, or something in between. 


As you’ll see, in the end, I caved and went for blue. My reasoning was that this would allow me to easily include some units from other Chaos Gods’ cults down the line (when I transition the army into a second edition force).


I was also inspired by one of my favourite schemes of all time, one I’ve been meaning to paint for decades now but never really gotten around to. The one I speak of is this "unusual colour scheme", hidden away in a two-page illustration by John Blanche for the Chaos Space Marines second edition book. Pink trim, blue armour, silver details. It just works for a Slaaneshi force.


Instead of using pure teal as in the illustration, I decided to go for a much darker base, approaching black. By using three layers of blue highlights a(pplied in the form of some rippling highlights that followed the hand-sculpted curves of the armour), I found I was able to create a nice shiny lacquered effect. It's as if the Marines’ armour itself is subtly shifting and warping within the trim. Wonderful!


That just left the final, luminous colour for pipes, eyes and other glowing objects. A glowing green was a simple choice, but works well. I started by painting these a pastel teal (based on Scale Color's Boreal Green), then hit with a glaze of Citadel Contrast Ork Flesh. It’s slightly sickly and radioactive looking, as if the Marines are pumping some sort of dangerous toxin throughout their armour. 


These colours work really well on these models, both physically and thematically. At least, I like to think so! The exposed ribs and pipes glowing green from within suggest an inner sickness. The rippling blue armour suggests an external mutation. And the pink represents the influence of Slaanesh and delusion of his warriors. Sure, it’s not the most unique scheme in the end, but it’ll be the details and patterns that set them apart once applied.


And so, the scheme is decided. The first three Marines painted will give me a great guide for finishing the rest of the army.


Slaanesh’s power grows by the day. The Dark Prince rises! Behold, my first month’s quota complete:

An important note on my list and equipment: Chaos Renegades in Rogue Trader receive a mix of Rewards from their god and Personal Attributes as mutations (that can eventually lead them to becoming a hideous Spawn). These are supposed to be rolled randomly (the latter on a D1000 table!), but because the models themselves are now so rare and expensive, I've decided to pick out a few Rewards and Personal Attributes based on what exists on the model, then roll up some extras for fun. This'll also apply to my half-randomised Champion's Warband yet to come... Thankfully, this is actually encouraged in the Realm of Chaos books, so I don't need to feel too guilty.


Army list (as of January):


Caligulus the Hierophant

Chaplain on Steed of Slaanesh

Minor Hero, Hallucinogeic Grenades, 

Steed of Slaaanesh, Furry


Dio Saevus
Possessee, host of a Daemonette
Minor Hero, Standard Equipment
Tentactles, Horns, Bestial Face, Powerful Legs, Agility, Massive Intellect

6 Daemonettes
Tentacles, Bestial Face, Prehensile Tails, Razor-Sharp Claws, Vividly Coloured Skin, Bulbous Eyes



Sgt. Franciscus Fereter 

Tactical Marine Sergeant
Razor-Sharp Claw, Bulbous Eyes



Total points for January



Oh, and I can’t forget. My entry fee for this year’s revered challenge will be going to one dedicated Rogue Trader collector. I hope I can do this awesome old sculpt justice. I already have the perfect colour scheme in mind… see, it’s easier with loyal Space Marines!


AdamH’s rat attack part three! Slaving the best for first?!

 It’s month one, energy is high, so I decided to go straight for the models that I find the most dull to paint:

Skaven Slaves! These represent my first Rank and File month submission.

Yea they are certainly not the most exciting, being deliberately painted in a drab brown scheme, but they are very useful in a Skaven army and with this unit that brings my total to three units of 25 (a combined total of a massive 195 points! (Including musicians)

I wanted to have the option to field commands with the Slave units but in reality it is rarely a good idea. You are giving your opponent victory points for nothing, plus what self respecting Warlord would allow his slaves to carry a banner?! Nevertheless I have painted some additional banner and champion models to put into my existing units to at least give me the option:

It is also worth mentioning that I have still got to varnish these models, and rather than bring out my airbrush every month I am going to wait until the end of the challenge and do them all together. Therefore they are missing some final details like basing tufts and leaf littler but you will see them with these elements on my final wrap up post later in the year.

So that brings me onto my month one stats:

  • Models painted: 25
  • Total points: 80
  • Shades of brown: too many
Lastly for the month we have the OWAC secret Santa/model exchange/figure witness protection program?

My chosen recipient was Samothy, and I know how much he likes robots and sand so I painted him a classic Necron:

Enjoy buddy!

To all the other challengers, can’t wait to see everyone’s forces come together, and to the other member(s?) of #TeamSkaven; squeak squeak, nibble, squeak, yes-yes. (They will know what it means).

Friday, January 5, 2024

Mustafa paints a space marine army - introduction post.

 I had a nice space marine army back in the day but stupidly sold it because I wasn’t playing much. 

The regret was palpable :(

But regret is for the weak!!! The strong move forward and create! So, I’ll be doing another space marine army.

Here’s the list I’ll be going with:

Space Marine Captain with power fist and melta gun: 96 points

Techmarine with power axe: 40 points

Tactical squad with missile launcher and melta

Sergeant with chainsword and plasma pistol: 360 points

Tactical squad with missile launcher and melta

Sergeant with chainsword and plasma pistol: 360 points

Rhino: 50 points

Rhino: 50 points

Land Raider: 220 points 

Total: 1176 points

It’s a pretty simple list to start with but I’m planning to add to it over the next few years and will most likely do an assault element for 2025’s challenge (jump packs and land speeders!).

Still not decided which chapter to go with but I’m leaning towards Death Guard at the moment.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Skål's Veterans of the Long War (Skåls Intro)

This is my sixth OWAC and I have learned a few things along the way. I know that I need to have options for things to paint as I get distracted easily. This OWAC I will be painting up a force that I can use in 2nd or 3rd edition 40k. My inspiration comes from some of the amazing books that I have poured over since they came out oh so long ago. 

Some of the squads in this force will look like they have been fighting for 10,000 years since the Heresy was quashed. Other squads will have a more Hersey look to them as if they have been in the warp and come out the other side with only a few years between the fall and the present 40k timeline.

So without further ado here is a look at the models I will be picking from and painting up over the course of this OWAC. I know I have way to many squads but I know how I am. I could get hit with a painting vibe and roll through a bunch of models.

First up is a unit of Tzeentch Flamers and a Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer of Tzeentch (He looks like he's a Fun Guy).

Next up is a unit of World Eaters and an Icon Bearer of Khorne. This squad might get a little bloody.

I really love the Nurgle sculpts and I knew that Plaguebearers had to be included in this force. Oh those nasty Plagueswords are killers of mortals.

This is the Renegade squad that I will talk about a little more when I cover them in my monthly. I love these sculpts.

Next up is a very corrupt Death Guard unit. Note they are in the proper number for Papa Nurgle. Squads like this are one of the reasons I have a few "extra" units in my selection pool. I want to make sure I hit my minimum troop of 10 but I also want to pay the proper respect to the Chaos gods.

The plan is to make this a Sons of Horus squad who stepped out of the warp fresh from a battle during the time of Hours. I really like the idea of the warp playing with the various squads and pulling them from different time periods.

Remember how I mentioned 3rd edition? Well here is a little "only a mother could love these ugly babies" squad of Obliterators that will count as Chaos Terminators in 2nd edition. These are truly ugly sculpts and the next versions were so much bulkier and better looking. I remember having six of these so I figured I would try to include six in this force (currently only have five, so I am hunting for the sixth).

Here is my selection of Leaders/HQ for this force as well as my Chaos Dreadnought. I had to include Kharn in this force as I ran a lot of Khorne Berserkers when I played 3rd edition. I also have a Nurgle Chaos Marine Sorcerer and a Nurgle Daemon to round out my choices. The Chaos Dreadnought is from Hybrid Miniatures and is an absolute beast standing next to the other miniatures. 

The Classic Tzeentch marines from Rogue Trader have so much character that I knew I needed to include them in this force. The idea of bright pink and blue for a color pallet sounds good in my head so why not.

Noise Marines are run in pretty small squads in 2nd and up to ten models in 3rd. I figure I can run either one or two squads of these depending on the edition. I'm not concerned with what the models are armed with as I will make sure to designate who has what during games. I will be using the Rogue Trader Classic Noise Marine to act as a champion for this squad once he arrives.

To all of the Veterans of previous OWAC's its great to see you all again for another six months of painting. To all of the new hopeful's my advice is don't look the Veterans in the eyes till you have survived one OWAC and always remember "Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.'

Till next month.



JohnR's OWAC VII Intro Post - Mini's From My Childhood (Well, Mid-Teens).

Back for another OWAC (unfortunately I had to miss last year’s due to stress and family issues).

My early thinking was to do another WFB army, possibly Dwarves or Empire or maybe ‘Axis of Evil 2 - Son of Aksys!’

However 2024 is shaping up to be hectic: I’m playing Kingdom Death with a group of mates and we’re currently on Lantern Year 11. I’m also painting and playing a crazy amount of Legions Imperialis (the latest edition of epic for the uninitiated :) and Max and I are planning to move abroad towards the end of the year, so I figured a small project would be best.

Consequently I’ve settled on some old Rogue Trader lead. Most of these minis I’ve had for about 35 years now, man and boy, we’ve been through a lot together in that time and they deserve to finally get some paint.

I had an overarching story for each of my last two armies and appropriately enough this project is based on the denizens of an Imperial Rogue Trader's fleet as they explore the twilight zone at the very edge of the Imperium, searching for trade, treasure, fame and glory.

To that end, and in line with the design aesthetic of 1st edition 40K, the army will be made up of about half a dozen small contingents. This will allow me to break the collection down into little units of related minis, then paint a different group each month, coming up with a little fluff / story for each group as I go. 

First up will probably be the Adeptus Mechanicus:

There are a few more Servitors in the dip, which should make it into the final force.

Secondly, Squats - indentured warriors undertaking their compulsory service in the Imperial Armed Forces:

Troops of the Jovian Dawn Mercenary Company:

Imperial Sanctioned 'Privateers' (Space Pirates):

Agents of the Inquisition and Officio Assassinorum:

And finally my leader - Lieutenant Fairfoot, her retinue and some Imperial Arbites:

There are more minis than are in the photos – some are in the dip, having old paint removed, others are more esoteric and might not make the final cut. Oh and there are a few duplicates in the mix so my Secret Santa Overlord Offering will be one of those; to be painted and revealed next month.

On to the challenge, good luck everyone!