
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Sybou's Albion Force Month of March (229 points)

Rank & File month #3

Hello everyone!

Lets dive once again in the dark Myst of Albion ...

For this month, I finally finished my unit of marauders:

A proud unit of 20 men with the Champion of the Clan

So here, we have 20 clansmen (rulewise norse marauders) with the Champion of the Clan (Mercenary captain).

These guys look pretty good once finished. I'm happy that I have complete this unit project. Initially it was just a couple of foundry berserkers i had in my leadpile, then the idea grew on me and I completed the regiment with some new naked men, now with tartans.

The banner is some sort of Cernunnos God that i found on the internet. I tried to copy it but the result is not as good. Anyway, it will look good enough. The banner is in greenstuff.
I love the blowpipe (from Perry miniatures) that gives these guys a proper musician to go in battle.

The bravest of all

The Clan Champion is from Ral Partha. Browsing through their huge line of miniatures, i saw a highlander guy, i checked it and though he would belong to the army and here he is. I tried to give him William Wallace like facepaint.

Then finally, here are 10 pikemens. An additional nod to Braveheart. They will be useful against cavalries.
The Frostgrave miniatures are easy to paint, not to complicated and look pretty good.

Here is what I did for March (well without the 15 Clansmen of February).
Both units look very good next to each other. Still to complete the pikes in April but that will come soon enough.
For now I have 838 points painted on a total of 1979 points.
If everything goes according to my plan, they should be a couple of unexpected reinforcements in the following months.

What will be next ... ?

That's all for March! It's Spring time, I hope to discover lots of your cool paintings and not see too many people in the pile of bones ...

Mustafa’s Engineers Guild Expeditionary Force (430 points).

Rank & File #3 

I wanted my squats to have a bit of heavy support. Not too heavy as they are a mobile force, but running around on bikes without a bit of armour is just asking for trouble!

I wanted to go for something a bit different so I used a World War Toons tank. It’s actually the body of one  with the turret of another with some Imperial Guard tank bits stuck on. In game terms I’ll probably count it as a Rhino that some smart squat mechanic decided to bolt a multi melta. That would work out the to 430 point (370 for a Rhino, 60 for a Multi Melta).

Adrian's Eldars - The Witch and the Dragon (445 points)

Rank and File month #3 

The deepest parts of the Forest saw skirmishes erupting here and there. The swarm was advancing and the eldar line could not wistand the numbers much longer. Pockets of resistance from the guardians and shrines of aspect warriors tried to maintain safe routes for the incoming withdraw. 

But the tide shall be halted or else the Eldar could not get to the rearguard.

Among the oldest trees, some of them seen the ancient soils of the Inner Planets of the Eldar Empire, everything came to an unnerve silence.
When the swarm was crossing the deepest forest, the unnatural scream came from all directions.

-Lets burn them.

Hundreds of melta bombs annihilated the first wave of biomorphs and the scouting creatures ahead of the main horde. From the flames came the witches screaming and slicing the monsters like butter. And then the dragons came covering them with flaming rays, disintegrating any tyranid than could get beyond the dance of swords of the Howling Banshees.


Third month ready. I have been experimenting with heavy glazing and seesh, for a moment I thought I would get the Mulligan. However, at the last minute I saw Lissanne incredible fire dragons and I could not falther now that Team Eldar is posting such awesome pics.

First and foremost, the banshees

7x Howling Banshees - 189 points

1x Exarch - 69 points

I wanted the armour resemble the second iteration of Jain Zar from the Eavy Metal team in the 3rd ed. Eldar Codex. That pearly grey was awesome.

Harder than I thought and took more time that I originally intended, but I am more than pleased with the result.

The swords and the axe follow the traditional red for energy weapons with a bit of nmm spice added to the mix.

4x Fire Dragons - 112 points

1x Exarch - 75 points

These boys are hot. At this point you'll want to see another take to the fire dragons, but no! there is plenty more orange in the Team Eldar pots. Non-orange dragons for another owac, sorry.

I forgot to draw the aspect rune in the helmets but I had little time left this month. Maybe I will add them at some point.

Lastly, the moment of truth, this month we reduce the quota to only 381 gemstones painted. 


Adrian's out.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

JohnR's Estalians - I need re-training (313 points)

 Rank and file month 3

A month is too long. After a couple of days I've forgotten my passwords, how to use blogger, the settings on my camera, what the OWAC rules are, the name of my missus and where I left the dog...

Anyhoo, here is this month's offering:

Estalian Hombres Villanos led by 'El Destello Corazón!'.

Mystery surrounds this infamous swordsman. Some say he's the illegitimate son of the Emperor Karl Franz and an Estalian serving wench. Others that he's seeking the six fingered orc who killed his father. Whatever the truth he's a dashing swords-master: irresistible to women, deadly to his enemies and adored by his men. 

'El Destello Corazón!' Level 15 hero, light armour and additional hand weapon: 83 points
21 Hombres Villanos +2 Shock Elite, hand weapons, light armour and shields, standard and musician: 230 points

The army so far:

Not sure if I'm allowed to post a group shot yet. If I'm not I'm sure The Overlord will delete it. Like I said: I can't remember the rules 😁

Monday, March 29, 2021

Slaaneshchild mighty pleasure dragon (1089 points)

Tadaaaaaammmm here is my "leader month".

Motivated by this amazing miniature, I went pretty fast, so I had the time to make this incredible old Grenadier resin scenery. You can clearly smell the 80's from miles and miles away from it :D

I also had the time to paint this sorcerer from Hasselfree Miniatures. I tried to make it simple because I want to use it as a beastman pristress.

Time to introduce you to the glorious Shla'gah'ass, almighty champion of The Lady.
The rider of the dragon is a convertion I made with Rakarth and some old and new slaaneshi bitz 

(I am sure you have recognized the RoC fiend of Slaanesh head)

Sorry for the spam of pictures :D 
Next month I will paint my Keggox and some Chaos Knights I think.... will see ! 

Little by little, the legion grows !!! 

Total points : dragon 650 pts, Slaanesh Lord 305 pts, Beastman Shaman Champion 134 pts = 1089 pts !!!

goblinpaladin's Squats - a March update (675 points)

 Squats have long memories and never forget an act of treachery or a broken promise.
    -From the Codex Imperialis

Rank & File Month #2

Guild Bike Squad + Guild Weapon Team

I failed you, O my brothers and O my sisters, and was forced to yield in the month of February. I offer no excuse except the pallor of my skin and the reek of failure on my brow. All I can do is come to you now, in March, the third of months, and offer more here than planned.

  • Guild Bike Squad, 555 points
  • Guild Weapon Team (multi-melta), 120 points
  • TOTAL: 675 points
It's not as bad as all that, actually. Failure last month has meant that I can offer the full squad of eight this month, as well as one of the two heavy weapon trikes. This is February + most of March, and I've expanded on what I originally intended for April as well. Everything is on track road.

Bikers led by a foreman, Guild of Engineers

Many others have complained about how annoying these old models are. I dimissed them, thinking this was the muttering of old men and whiners - but oh boy are these models annoying. Fiddly and warped with nothing fitting together properly. Space dwarf bikers really could do with the upgrades offered by modern 3D design and plastics.

I managed to get them together okay enough in the end, and most of the range of biker bodies are represented. They aren't equipped according to the Compendium rules, but that's because those rules don't even come close to representing the actual models, so whatever.

a terrible snapshot of the foreman

I've given the foreman a hand flamer and power fist as modern army design usually gives unit leaders some fun options. I also wanted to use the silly robot fist from Wereweevil Miniatures.

Heavy weapon trike

The trike was also a pain, especially trying to find a way for the gunner to look even remotely natural. I was able to find some reasonable hands on the plastic sprue, as long as you don't look too closely. But then again, you shouldn't ever really look too closely at my paintwork.

business end

I painted the multimelta as though it had ceramic cooling tubes, a feature I've used in other armies. It vaguely gives the impression of advanced heat sinks. At least, it's supposed to do that, but here it kind of looks like an adhesive bandage, worst luck.

party at the back

yes, the miniature is not centred well. i know.

Guild Heavy Weapons Trike and Guild Biker, Paul Bonner
© 1989 Games Workshop

Coming up next month: More motorcycles! But this time from a different range...

Lissanne's Eldar - I bring you Hellfire! (376 pts)

Defense of the Maiden World part 3
(rank and file #3)

 This will have probably been the hardest month of the challenge for me, 10 Aspect Warriors with two of them being that difficult Warp Spider exarch.  But I made it through!

First up, another squad from the Black Widow shrine of Warp Spiders. 4 Warp Spiders led by one of those Warp Spider Exarchs.

And a squad of 4 Fire Dragons of the Fire Wasps shrine led by the other Warp Spider Exarch.  Hooray for 2nd edition!  Any exarch can lead any unit of Aspect Warriors!

I've painted a lot of Fire Dragons in my life and I think these came out the best yet- they are certainly my favorites!  I thought the Warp spiders had a lot of gems, these have 47 +18 gems more on the sides of the helmet each!


Black Widow shrine
4  Warp Spiders 164 pts
Warp Spider Exarch 50 pts

Fire Wasps
4 Fire Dragons   112 pts
Warp Spider Exarch 50 pts

total 376 pts

That is all the reinforcements coming throught the gate- Next up, more native forces- the Exodites!

And here is the obligatory midway picture with all I have done so far- 15 scouts, 11 Warp Spiders and 4 Fire Dragons.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Byron's Filling out the Ranks at the Garrison (127 points)


Rank and File Month #2

This month sees a very modest addition to the garrison at scorched pass. This month adds 8 dark elf warriors and 3 dark elf crossbowmen for a total of only 127 points. I had to keep my work short this month since I moved and I need to get a head start prepping the cold ones and their riders for next month. Apparently hacking old metal models to bits with a dull exacto blade, reposing them, and resculpting them takes a while. 

Minor note: the elf 2nd from the left is minor conversion.
He was formerly a musician. 

These very modest reinforcements lets me finish the first watch of crossbowmen (and start the first mini of the second watch) and it allows me to finish my regiment of dark elf warriors, Kin'Lath's Slashers. So without further ado here are pictures of Kin'Lath's Slashers to round out my blog entry: