
Monday, July 31, 2023

Adrian's Blood Angels Wrap-Up post - And cut!

Challenge Wrap-Up

Finally, I can say that my fourth OWAC is done. Yay!

This year started pretty good, but maybe I got a bit carried out with the extras. I would have love to have more time in the last months, both for giving time for checking other entries and commenting (no worries, I've seen all your post now that I have less convoluted time, they're amazing and now I've been pushed into blood bowl madness myself!) and for putting the same amount of love to the pictures as in my first month.

Believe it or not, I had to left out some planned pictures and gags from the orignal script! There was even more foolinesh behind scenes that didn't get to be posted. 

Maybe I would need to write a campaign some day that includes all the scenes and the enemy profiles, even the ones that were left unpainted like the duke nukem's pig cops (yeah, remember the ones that disappeared in Monroeville? they'd have been shown in all their mutated glory)

Now, lets roll the credits and all the actors:

That's 2772 points of Rogue Trader godness, in the shape of 48 cool models, including 3 tanks.

And who knows how many points in current Horus Heresy. I want to get the opportunity to play in an event and see the faces when I start deploying this bad boys and several others I plan to convert in the future.

Last, but not least, for the moment I think I will try another OWAC despite it seems that next year will be also another... interesting spring.

I need to keep things simple if I want to participate and enjoy it. Another important thing to consider is that I may not start a project that I do not previously own or require large purchases. Instead, selecting something that is ready to be painted from my collections and reduce the pile of unpainted things. As my main dwarf army needs some rare purchases, and the orcs need an entire Ruglud squad, that disqualifies them for now.

I forgot until now that I had an old dragon that I would love to paint and several gems purchased from old middlehammer lots. So I probably will count the amount of elves I had laying around and get something interesting out of it.

That's it folks



George, my man, that was amazing. I cannot wait to see the script for Blood Omen 2.

-Well, I think that we will need even more zombies. So far, I can only give you in advance that the ship will pursue doctor Vile up to a misterious space hulk. I am thinking about terrorific aliens, and terminators shooting unnumbered horrors. And probably Fabious is aided by one of the last orks after Ullanor, a mischievous painboy known as... the Reanimatork!

Until next challenge

Adrián’s out.

Shadespyre's OWAC VI Wrap-up Post - Dark Elves / Drow

Shadespyre's OWAC VI Dark Elf / Drow Army - Wrap up post


It already feels like a long time ago...

I had a go at collecting the whole army together, setting it up on some painted boards and taking some nice photos. It didn't work out so well - impossible to get good lighting - but at least you get an idea of what 200 odd miniatures look like.

As it happens, the final model count of 211 is very similar to that for the Gnolls last year (I think that was 209?) but somehow this project felt much bigger!

You can probably tell that I finally got around to making movement trays for every unit and respraying them all in a uniform pale grey. I tried a few in white first and it was just a bit too stark. 

I made the trees using a Woodland Scenics kit. An odd experience - the kit include flat cast metal armatures which you twist into shape with pliers before gluing on the foliage. It would probably have been a more satisfactory process if the castings weren't badly flashed, but the end result was pretty good despite being a lot of hard work. Not sure I'd do it this way again, though.

Likewise, I'm happy enough with how the snow bases came out, but I'm not sure I'd do it this way again. The main problem being that it's almost impossible to go back and add more and get a "realistic" smooth fresh snow look if you miss a bit first time around.

In terms of the project itself - overall I'm happy. The theme was slow to emerge (and still hasn't presented a nice name) but I enjoyed finding the AD&D references to add here and there. I stuck to my aim of only using early Citadel ranges, with just a couple of plastic bits used to repair or enhance models, and managed to tie in some properly old miniatures as an excuse to get them painted.

There were the usual frustrations of building an army of such old minis - I couldn't collect all the unit types I wanted to; the poor quality of some castings made painting them a trial; forcing the figures available to fit an only slightly compatible army list - but as this is my third army of this type that was all to be expected. 

The purple colour scheme looks pretty good but was very fiddly, I ended up dropping about a half of the stages from the initial method and I don't think it really shows. Painting lots of narrow trim around armour and so on made for a lot of work, as did paints of wildly different consistency despite all being from the same range. My appreciation of Citadel Foundation Paints will remain long after I've emptied my last pot!

Highlights for me include finally painting a version of that Tony Ackland War Eagle, enjoying the White Dragon even though it was forced upon me, and the Displacer Beasts that used to be Weretigers. 

Next Time?

I'll definitely be in again for OWAC VII. Maybe I'll finally build a 3rd edition army with contemporaneous miniatures? I've got a few more all-pre-slotta projects that I could tackle, but it may be that the "novelty" of painting dozens of the same sculpt to make a unit has worn off a bit.

A few things on the list:

Pre-slotta High Elves
The Other pre-slotta High Elves (!)
Wood Elves
Eldar Pirates
Some sort of odd hodge-podge of the Half Orc, Hobgoblin, Ogre and Giant Mercenary lists from Warhammer Armies, because I don't have enough of any one to make an army.

It also occurs that I've never painted so much as one unit of Dwarves. But I'd have to buy a whole army from scratch to do that...

Previous Posts:

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Mariano Sánchez - Make the forest "even more greatest"

My third OWAC is over!!!

"Final pic" was done BEFORE I painted the scenery (very clever, Mariano, very clever...)

Now I can say I´m 3 OWACS old. COOOOOOOL!

I have had so much fun painting this year, probably because no horses were painted on it. Second OWAC was, sometimes, a nightmare but in this one... all pleasure. Only one month was really complicated but the rest of them have worked very well.

As I did last year, lets do a review

On 1st of January I had:

and now I have:


Here you have a short video of my OWAC (with my precious english accent from "la Bahía de Cádiz")

This Owac I haven´t counted painted points  but here you have a visual summary:






June 1

June 2

Now it is time to check the current status of my Wood elves army (pic and video):

I hope you like it. Next year will be my last Wood elves for sure. Quite happy with the idea!

Congratulations to all OWAC participants, the ones who finished, well done, and the ones who finished in the pile of bones (Buuuuuu).

As I said, always a pleasure and a privilege to be part of the OWAC. Long life the OWAC!!!!

Friday, July 28, 2023

Lissanne's Bloodbowl OWAC VI Wrap-up

And another OWAC in the books.   No points this time, but here is what I ended up with:

15 Players including Star Players for the Dwarven team, the Eldorado Goldiggers (the whole team is in the shot- more than the 15)

4 Chaos Warriors and a Beastman Cheerleader to complete the Queen's Marauders team  (oops they didn't make it into the money shot, LOL, I forgot)

16 player Ogre/Snotling team, the Tigers of Scourge, plus Apothocary, Cheerleader, Fans and 2 Star  Players

16 player Dark Elf team, the X-elves

16 player Wood elf team, the Harlequins

4 Hobbits to start a team, the Mighty Ducks

Galak Starscraper, storm giant ref
Two entry towers
And a concession stand!

That's 75 figures all told.  Not the most I've done for OWAC, but far from the least!  And as I mentioned before, I have now painted all the Bloodbowl figs I own at the moment.

 It's the busy season for me, so that concludes my OWAC and my wrap up.  Congratulations to all the other challengers for a great job!

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

AdamH’s OWAC VI July wrap up post

Another year, another OWAC under the belt!

For a few reasons this year was a tough one for me, mostly travel and restricted time related but also motivation and indecision as well. However overall I am happy with what I got completed, there were a few things I would probably change if I painted a couple of the teams again but I think I will leave them as they are for now in the interest of working on something new.

I also started working on a 3D printed pitch, which I was hoping would be my wildcard month entry but I never found the time to do more than the test section. However, I have brought it out now for the final pictures of each team! I also finished the bases of each team which I think sets them all off nicely.

First up are my favourite team, no prizes for guessing that it is Skaven!

Since posting these guys last month I have gone back and painted some more yellow on them in the form of everyone now has a yellow left shoulder pad, and the Skaven emblem on their chests are also now yellow. I think it helps break up the brown and makes the team look a little more unified:

My next favourite team is the Chaos team, I also went back and touched up a couple of mistakes on these guys but nothing significant:

Next up is another Chaos team, of the stunty variety:

More shrimps and one big leafy boi, I think this is the team that I enjoyed painting the most, and one that I think turned out well however I don’t really like the models:

Finally elves, this is a team that exists and now I own. I guess they are OK:

I am still working on my pitch so hopefully that should be finished in a month or so but after that I will be taking a break from Bloodbowl for a while and thinking ahead to next years challenge. I am very tempted to finish my Skaven army with a third entry, but I have a few other contenders that might sneak in at the last minute.

Anyway I hope everyone enjoyed the challenge this year, there were some wonderful armies and it was great seeing the specialist games making an appearance, I vote for this to make a come back in a future challenge please oh great overlord!

This is AdamH signing off for this year!

Monday, July 24, 2023

ZeroTwentythree's Post-OWAC6 Skaven Wrap-up Post (1,406 pts)

Post-Challenge Wrap Up
The Great Horned Rat Race

Sorry, that was about the best I could do for me and an army photo this time around. I tried taking some zoomed-in shots, but I don't have my photo set up right now. So you'll have to look through the monthly challenge entries if you want to see any up close.

The Plan

From my Introduction post, I had planned on painting the following. 
  • 30ish Clanrats with spears (30)
  • 20ish Stormvermin with two handed weapons (0)
  • 25ish Skavenslaves (13)
  • 4 beastmasters (4)
  • 1 Rat Ogre (I already have another one painted) (1)
  • 15 Giant Rats (10)
  • 1 Plague Censor (1)
  • 5 Globadiers (2)
  • 2 Jezzail teams (1)
  • 1 Warpfire-thrower team (1)
  • Some characters (2)
  • Completely unplanned stuff that I probably haven't even thought of yet. (1 jabberwock, 1 terrain)
After each item above, I've indicated how many I actually painted and color coded the successes and failures. I had intended to paint more characters in my Leader month, but since I met the terms of my vague initial goal, I'll call it a success.

Although I finished the challenge, I am a bit disappointed I didn't meet my goals. But there was a lot of unexpected non-painting stuff going on in the background that made it difficult. Not just difficult to find time, but also difficult to get in the mood. In spite of the Skaven being my first Warhammer love, I just didn't have the enthusiasm of past Challenges.

Army Totals

30 Clanrats with Spears.................... 206 points
4 Packmaster w/lt. armor ................ 42 points
6 Wolf-Rats ..................................... 18 points
10 Giant Rats .................................. 20 points
1 Rat Ogre ...................................... 38 points
1Thrott The Unclean (lv. 20).......... 100 points
2 Poisoned Wind Globadiers .......... 50 points
1 Warpfire-Thrower Team .............. 81 points
1 Jezzail Team ................................ 39 points
1 Rat Swarm ................................... 250 points
1 Jabberwock .................................. 200 points
13 Skavenslaves ............................. 35 points
1 Grey Seet .................................... 327 points

OWAC6 Total .................................1,406 points

(74 figures) (110ish planned)

Looking Ahead

I'm going to take it easy for a while, no pressure painting. Or not painting. And I'm going to give some thought on whether or not I will join the assumed OWAC7. If I do, I think I've got two contenders.

Chaos. Chaotic chaos. A small core of warriors and then a bunch of mismatched beasts and allies. In fact, I would paint up some of the remaining Skaven the got left our of OWAC6 as part of this project!

Dogs of War. I have some pikemen, some birdmen, some cavalry, and a few other odds & ends to use for this project.

There are a couple of other "long shot" projects in the back of my head as well. One of them I have no figures for, so that is probably out. The other, well, I only have one figure for, but the rest I would sculpt as part of the challenge. Not completely out, but still not as likely as the two above.

Bondage and wrap-up with Slaaneshchild - Wrap up post !!

 So here it comes, the final bondage, the cherry on the cake, the wrap-up post !

As complained, I (really) tried to make some nice banners as I am supposed to be not so bad at drawing, but it was a huge fail. Not really about the drawing in itself, but the paper I used was to hard, the painting was ugly too, and the banners were really too big compared to the miniatures.

So unfortunately, I cancelled this "project" and decided to make my wrap-up pictures with the help of my girlfriend.

I am pretty happy with the result, it seems so much in less than six months ! And the terrains were painted in the same time, I surprise myself :D

The horde is so big it was hard to capture in one picture,  but of course I made detailed pictures too.

Behold my mignons !!!

Speaking of army list and points :

2 daemon Princes : 555 pts

1 princess on palanquin : 160 pts

23 dark elves witches : 276 pts

6 chaos knights : 480 pts

6 centaurs (marauders horsemen) : 198 pts

18 chaos marauders with additionnal weapon : 234 pts

12 dark elf scouts : 156 pts

4 dark elf assassins : 224 pts

1 heroïne on war hydra : 357 pts

1 heroïne on cold one : 142 pts

3 chaos trolls : 135 pts

3 dragon ogres : 264 pts

12 mounted daemonettes : 720 pts

6 fiends of slaanesh : 180 pts

12 bestigors : 192 pts

for a grand total of..... 4273 pts !

Plus trees, temples, hills etc.... 

More pictures !! 

Beware the attack of the dachshund of Slaanesh

True Evil Wrap-Up Posture 

Princess on Palanquin and followers

And... As this project is the same army I started in OWAC IV, I decided to picture as well "the complete army", with the miniatures from OWAC IV (yeah I am very jealous of Mariano so I try to do the same !)

Remember this horror ? MOUahahaha

Legionnaires on Slaanesh steeds

chaos warriors and beastmen

the mighty Kegoxx

the altar of flesh

My precious !!

I hope you like them !! Next year, I am struggling with different projects: 

- continuing this one (I have tons of miniatures to paint)
- painting a Nurgle army (they are waiting in my boxes)
- painting a renegade imperial guard dedicated to Slaanesh (but I think I will paint them this year this semester)
- building a renegade for of random miniatures for Warhammer. Like one sorcerer with skeletons, some goblins, some humans... could be fun too ! 

Cheers !! 
