
Sunday, December 31, 2023

OWAC VII Intro Post - ChrisP's Ork Horde

 OWAC VII Intro Post - ChrisP's Ork Horde

Time for my second OWAC, and this is actually the army I had in mind for my first one, but didn't quite feel ready to take on. It's my original Ork army from 1993/94, most of which I never painted. I've spent a couple of months gathering a few extra models to finish things off, and also removing old paint & glue and re-assembling the old models. This is a project 30 years in the making, and I'm so excited to get stuck in!


  After a bit of experimentation, I settled on a few ground rules for myself. The bases are 32mm, not because I plan to play the army in current 40k, but mainly because they give the minis much more room to breathe. The nobs in particular always seemed to overhang the old bases! Larger models have been based to match. I was never a big fan of paper banners, so I've gone for back-mounted icons on a few folk instead. I'm using the 2nd Edition Ork Codex, which will hopefully let me make something approaching the violently colourful mixed-clan armies I remember from White Dwarf back in the day.

Provisional Army List

Warlord with powersword and bolter: 74

Gretchin Standard Bearer: 50


Painboy with plasma pistol: 22

Weirdboy and minderz: 85

Runtherd with bolter: 21

2 Goff Nobz with powerfists: 46

Bad Moon Nob with mega-armour, plasma gun and klaw:54

Snakebite nob with boar: 19

11 Goffs with 1 flamer: 139

11 Bad Moons with 9 bolters, a plasma gun and a lascannon: 177

7 Snakebites with boars: 126

10 Gretchin: 50

Ork Dreadnought: 120

Warbuggy with Heavy Plasma Gun: 50

3 Wartraks with lascannon: 180

Total: 1231 points

The Boss

 The classic Ghazghkull model. Upgraded him to a 40mm base, with a little extra height beneath him for a commanding presence. Makari gained a plastic banner and some discreet beakee adornments.

The Oddboyz

I picked my favourite weirdboy, painboy and mek from the old collection.

The Goffs

 Classic 2nd Edition starter boyz, plus a kustom-built flamer. A Goff mob can double up on nobz, so I've taken both.

The Bad Moonz

The boyz from Space Crusade have moon-icon backplates, so they work nicely for the bulk of this mob.

 The Snakebites

 Pardon the pun, but this lot were swine to assemble. Running the nob's glorious super-cyboar as a regular boar, since the codex gives the cyboar awful stats for lots of points.

The Runtz


Again, Space Crusade provided some characterful models here. The runtherd has some Deathskull vibes, so that will be the paint scheme.

The Buggies

Some of the first metal models I ever owned, and I really hope I can do them justice.

The Kan

This one is a bit of an anachronism - it's the 1999 version, rather than the 1994. However, I think it looks the part, the sculpt is fantastic, and it's wonderfully huge (that's an 80mmm base!)

The Plan

I painted a spare Goff nob to plan my scheme for that clan, and a general look for the army.

If I can manage to paint the whole army something like this, I'll be very happy. Let's go!






  1. Replies
    1. They're a bit goofy for sure, and I've added various skulls and other gubbins so at least they're standing on something. I like to think that the runtherd has trained them to jump up, so they can better shield the Boyz!

  2. Fabulous collection, and great to see some Space Crusage minis!

    1. Thanks! There's a lot of character in the Space Crusade minis, even with the goofiness!

  3. Nice collection, love to see the metal gretchins and the buggies. Makari look ace with that simple but effective conversion. Good luck!

  4. Awesome!Some absolute classics in there - that weirdboy with a complete staff for starters! Looking forward to seeing this all come together - good luck!

    1. Thanks! Not quite as original as he looks though, the staff between the hand and the topper is all plastic rod and brass rebuilding!

  5. Great collection of figures. This is going to be fun watching the progress.

  6. "violently colourful mixed-clan armies" - Yes! This is the way.

    Love the mix of minis and your use of icons and banners. Looking forward to the Waaaaaaargh! :D
