Friday, February 2, 2024

JohnR's Month 1 - Rogue Trader Adeptus Mechanicus.

Rank and File Month #1

Admech this month with 2 tech-priests and a gaggle of servitors to open my account.

Servitors are created from the dregs of human society - those considered beyond redemption by service in a penal regiment - traitors, heretics, apostates and people who hang the toilet roll the wrong way round.

Finally my pledge: Flint Skymine. Space Dwarf prospector, asteroid miner and sometime mercenary. Flint wears flak armour and carriers a flamer. Soon to be winging his way to some (un)lucky secret Santa recipient.


  1. It's nice to see some squats getting paint on them along with admechs. I love the admech squat and hope to be able to add one to my project too.

  2. I'm not sure I've ever seen so many servitors in one place before. They look disturbingly ex-human, good job.

  3. Really nice work on the admechs, and love the visor on the Secret Santa squat!

  4. Holy Servitor swarm, that is some serious Servitor love going on there! Great mix of models.

  5. Niiiice! Love the pale skin melding in with the metallics - creepy!


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