
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

James' Bones in the Basement

Back in the early 90's I was approached by a guy in the school cafeteria that was familiar with our local D&D group. He was pitching this bonkers idea that we could have just as much fun with dice and MINIATURES as we were currently having with dice and paper.
I was skeptical, but I gave it a shot. 

What followed was years and years of modeling depravity, ultimately leading to that same guy approaching me 25+ years later and challenging me to finally get off my dusty butt and paint those same models that I had picked up in Junior High School.
So, here we are. Thanks, Brennan.

My project is going to be centered around some old Ral Partha, Citadel and Grenadier figs, as well as scraps from the Skeleton Army box that haven't yet been completely destroyed by pets and adolescent tomfoolery.  Thanks to this whole thing getting off the ground around Black Friday, I've also got some nice skeletons and carrion on their from the UK. 

The picture here is me making sure I've got at least the first month's entry prepped ahead of time while I wait for the order to come in for the rest of the goodies. 

That's a Frostgrave wizard being used as the Necromancer; he heard there're some great secrets hidden away in Lustria, so watch your back, Brennan's Slann!
  • Necromancer L10:  85
  • Lv5 Skeleton Hero: 30
  • Chariot: 88
  • Lv5 Skeleton Hero (mounted): 40
  • 5 Death Riders: 105
  • Lv5 Skeleton Hero: 30
  • 14 Skeletons with hand weapons and command: 170
  • Lv5 Skeleton Hero: 30
  • 9 Grim Reapers: 120
  • 5 Skeleton Archers: 60
  • 5 Skeleton Archers: 60
  • 3 Carrion: 135
  • Skull Chukka: 80
          Total 1,023 points


  1. Welcome to the madness!

    Looking forward to the Old School Grenadiers and Ral Partha, also. That's one of the great thing about Undeads, you can easily mix and match the old ranges

  2. Welcome to the challenge. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

  3. It was very kind of you not not mention the paper miniatures I made for those early games! Glad your in this round. Looking forward to testing the armies out.

  4. Looking forward to see this army.

  5. Nice list, I like your choices. I too went on a buying spree but then had to pull back. I got rid of the Vampire in my list because he was eating up too many points now I'm just hemming and hawing about which figures to use.

  6. "What followed was years and years of modeling depravity" made me laugh out loud. Good luck with the Challenge. Really looking forward to seeing your army grow.
