
Sunday, February 3, 2019

Blue's January Contingent-Puff and Slash Dwarfs (199pts)

Hi all,

Right up to the last minute possible as usual...but I pulled it all together.  January is always difficult one for me due to the fact that we have the holidays and then I always have my professional conference, which typically cost me a week alone.  I hope that the next few month roll along a bit more easily.

Here are this months figures!!  I chose to start with a batch of the pikemen and their leader.  These guys are painted with the typical Red and Blue scheme that I used for my Puff and slash Empire Dwarf Army...however, with this unit I have stepped up tertiary color in my scheme, white, to a larger degree,  this will further separate them from the other pike block which has let white involved.

The other thing that differentiates this pike block from the other is that I've upgraded these guys to "clansmen" (+1 shock elite) and given them heavy armor.  The armor shows up mostly in the Sallet helmets...and in the breastplates worn by some of the troopers.

The unit looks a little puny at the moment...but when this has grown to a unit of 21 it will be quite impressive.

( I hope)

Here is the points break down
  1. 8 Dwarf Clansmen with Heavy Armor, Pike, and Hand Weapon (13pts each) --104pts
  2. 1-10 level hero, Heavy Armor, Hand Weapon , 2x pistol. - -95 pts
January Submission Total: 199pts.

See you all in February!!!




  1. Excellence work Chris, they have lots of personality. I like the dark metal of the helmets

  2. Very clean painting - they look great.

  3. Absolutely love them! Can’t wait for them to stop my cav cold!

  4. Nice clean cartoony style, love them.

  5. Beautiful work as always Blue. I hope they can finally withstand Black Vasken.

  6. A unit of 21 of these is going to look great on the table! Lovely work :)
