
Monday, March 2, 2020

Lopez's Death Riders (200 points)

I'm Literally The Worst

I don't know what's wrong with me. I had plenty of time to paint these and I literally waited until the last minute. It's not like I didn't have the time to paint this month.... I got plenty of stuff done.... maybe i'm just a glutton for punishment.

Anyways. Not much to talk about this month, I just powered through a unit of Death Riders. I feel like you've really got to focus and speed and economy when painting Undead. THERE'S SO MANY!!

Maybe next month I'll paint a character mini.


  1. They look good, though! Nice and boney.

  2. Glad the fellow undead armies are still with us :) They look great even if they were fast!

  3. Undead is a HUGE undertaking. They are looking great! Keep plowing through them and In a few months you will be rewarded with a fully painted force.

  4. Blimey! If that's a rush job, what is your very best painting like! 😳 They look great!

  5. Nice job! Waiting for a massive unit of slotta skellys with spears or hand weapons. And isn't it great when you can get an even 200 points with just a few figs? Also, waiting to the last minute and living on the edge is the best when you also succeed in getting them painted.

  6. Nowt wrong with coming in exactly on target at the last minute with a quick but effective paint job. It's the veteran's way ;)
