Another great edition of the OWAC is over! And it was a fantastic year! The enthusiasm shown by all the challengers was exceptionnal, as was not only the quality of the entry but also the productivity. Quite simply, challengers have outdone themselves this years! On my side of things, it was the first time I did not participate in my own challenge (I had an Epic project to work on) and I have to say it was difficult at times! I am SO ready to join OWAC Part IV! This however allowed me time to work on updated rules for next year's edition, to promote the challenge, etc. Btw, if you look at the bottom of the Blog you can see how many challengers completed one, two or three challenges.
As the challenge administrator (i.e. Overlord) this year was a resounding success. Not only did we only lost 5 members to the Field of Bones, by far our lowest number, but the members have been especially organized this year; post posted within deadlines, blog post edited, etc. It's immensely rewarding to notice massive improvements for everyone between the first OWAC and this edition. Kudos to all!
Now, the most important part is the painting, and we had an amazing crop of painters with a stunning variety of armies, including our first Gnomes and Norses! We also had not one, not two but three challengers complete a Skaven force, a feat which was only done once in our history!
A few stats :
48 335 : That is the total number of points painted this year by the victors!
13 : Only 13 members used a mulligan this year, which is incredibly low.
28 : That is the number of victors for this year, each now a painted army richer than they were 6 months ago!
If it wasn't obvious from reading the challenger's wrap-up, there will be a 4th edition of the OWAC starting on January 1st, 2021. Big changes are coming, as we will shake things up with some changes to the rules, and more importantly OPENING THE DOOR TO THE FAR FUTURE OF THE 41ST MILLENIUM! Yes, Rogue Trader and 2nd edition 40K army will be allowed.
Comment here or contact me through the blog if you are interested in joining our waiting list for the OWAC, Part IV.
We are always looking for sponsors to hand out prizes to our valiant challengers, contact me through the Blog or comment below if you'd like to sponsor the challenge.
We are always looking for sponsors to hand out prizes to our valiant challengers, contact me through the Blog or comment below if you'd like to sponsor the challenge.
Until 2021, have a great Fall everyone!