
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Chris H - Reikland Army First Unit (198 pts)

Rank and File Month 1

First unit of Reikland Helblitzen ready for battle... (no the banner isn't freehand - because I can't draw)

20 Ordinary foot soldiers, Hand-weapons, Halberd and Light Armour, Standard and Musician - 198 points

Unit of 60 pikemen next.....


  1. An excellent start! The wall of 60 pikemen, especially in white, sound like a daunting task! I look forward to seeing it come together though :) and your basing has reminded me that I should get some small flowers for my project..
    Well done!

  2. Great! very effective on the battlefield, and really nice basing

  3. Simple and striking is a great visual feast - they're gonna look wonderful all together! I like the deep red, it's a wonderful colour, and kudos on painting such a strong colour next to white!

  4. Looking good Chris. Now get on with painting that 60 strong unit of pike you lazy git lol :'D

  5. So much white! So much bravery! 🙂 60 pike men are going to look spectacular if this unit is anything to go by

  6. Wow, the white looks wonderful! And after battle, they will all be red and white!

  7. Looks great and you've done a good job on the white. Brave decision.

  8. These really need another color to break up the shapes. I’d strongly recommend painting the doublets another color, perhaps a leather color to break up the white.

  9. A unit of 20 infantry plus a massive banner is a solid start to any OWAC - good luck with all the white!

  10. Brave man with your colour choice there sir - think that's why I'm a bit obsessed with weathering at the moment! Definitely going to be a striking spectacle to see the whole army assembled!
