
Monday, February 21, 2022

Paul D's February post rank and file (R&F) for OWAC V (100 points)

Following my first post, Ian requested I post my intended list, I assume to confirm - I'll hit the minimum of a thousand points for the challenge, as my first months total was originally only eighty points! Also, to stop me adding more to beat Mr Beale in an arms race, so here's my minimums, based on Ravening hordes:-

Planned target for January - R&F, ten archers, with light armour and longbows at ten points each - one hundred points

Planned target for February - R&F, ten archers, with light armour and longbows at ten points each - one hundred points

Planned target for March - R&F ten archers, with light armour and longbows at ten points each - one hundred points

Planned target for April - Leaders ten samurai, with two-handed swords, light armour and longbows at fiftysix points each - five hundred and sixty points; five magicians at fiftyfive points each - two hundred and seventyfive points and finally five warrior monks with two-handed weapons (bamboo canes) for thirtyeight points each - for one hundred and ninety points.

Planned target for May - R&F ten retainers, with light armour and two-hands weapons at eight points each - eighty points.

Planned target for June - Elites, ten samurai, with two-handed swords, light armour and longbows at fiftysix points each - five hundred and sixty points

Which gives me a planned minimum of one thousand nine hundred and sixty five plans. But, following last year's efforts I won't just do that, I'll go overboard painting a load more - a couple of cannon, a few  mounted samurai, more foot samurai, a handful of ninjas (As our oppressive overlord appears to think every Nippon army should have at least one!) and a whole lot more retainers to give me a little variety when basing up my mono-pose C series on multiple bases each month, and where that little lot takes me points wise, if, I was to include them in the minimum build I've no clue, or care, as I'll only be counting the monthly minimum contingent.

So, here we have my published rank and file contingent for February - another ten archers, with light armour and longbows for a hundred points, These lads will be playing the part of faithful retainers to Lord Taik-is-ed following his hasty departure into exile from Nippon into a life of a sell sword. As his neighbours realized he had been sowing discontent between them for years to maintain his strangle hold of the local grain market, whilst they raided/ambushed each anothers fiefs and retainers, destroying crops and stores to inflate to cost of grain, thus filling his coffers. 

First applications of flesh base coats, in other words splashing it about a bit!

Base coats to clothes and armour.

Next stage - applying a wash of seraphin sepia and a few high-lights.

Finding a touch of detail - lacing, eyes etc.

Sticking them on bases with a few of my extras and over from last month to add a little variety to the overall look of the unit and a fresh coat of goblin green to each base, topped off with a scattering of flock. 

An occassional scattering of sand to follow and then a heavy splash of varnish to finish them off.

So, on with the next batch of extras and overs, until March and the next batch of archers.


  1. YES! NINJAS!!

    Also some fine work here, I really like the back banners

    1. Yes,Ningas, watch the extra and over messages for details.

  2. Sugoi! I love these, and love the mon banners...I guess the 'ta' is for Taik?

    1. Thank you,
      Whereas, I'm really starting to hate the archers, the constant individual dots of colour is tedious to the extreme to give the required look and I'm discovering the samurai require even more! June's contingent may prove illusive or at least challenging as this endeavour's title implies.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Excellent work on these Paul and very sensible not to get into an arms race with Steve B. :D

    1. Thank you, as for Mr Beale, we're as bad as each other, with collections to match.

  5. Great work, I love the step by step paint progression pics. I can reallly see how those little dots of paint can get on top of you - keep it up, they're worth it :)

    1. Thanks, this is a painting challenge after all, hence, showing my progress with each months contingent seems perfectly logical rather than pictures of the finished article in purpose built terrain - horses for courses and all that.

  6. Do I take it that every samurai counts as a hero then? 😮

  7. No, they simply count as troops, with lots of extras which I'm counting as elites.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Great stuff! Lovely figures with an excellent paint job. I’m looking forward to the next lot :)

  10. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing the back of them - archers are the worst, a lot of effect for not a great deal of pay back in my opinion.

  11. I agree with Iannick about the Ninja! Hiiii-Yaaa! :D
