
Saturday, February 26, 2022

Quin’s Rainbow Vale - Tom Meier Trolls!! (518 Points)

Rank & File II

 Decided to take things easy this month and painted these lovely figures sculpted by Tom Meier. For some differentiation of units I decided before the challenge to field this unit of trolls as skirmishing foresters accompanied by a forest giant. 
Starting off with this Tom Meier Cloud Giant, painted as a forest giant he definitely gives me ent-y vibes. Truly a powerful protector of the forests.

Up next we have a Fantasy Tribes Troll 5 v2 “Troll in Furs with Axe and Shield” his mohawk is red as requested by Lissanne, however I did have to add some stripes to it to break up the solid block of color. Loved painting this troll in an orc-y fashion and hope to get my hands on more of the FTF range at some point. 
I made the mistake of painting his pupils a blue too similar to his green skin tone, meaning his eyes are hard to see properly... I’ll have to go back over them at some point in the future..

Tom Meier Stone Giant, in scale really much closer to a troll than any giant and will be used as such. I think the pair of these may have been marketed as trolls at one point as well.

Tom Meier Forest Giant- I hadn’t actually planned on including this model in the army, but while I was waiting for basing material to dry on the other trolls, I found this figure sitting in my painting queue, already based and primed! I had initially been planning on including him in a rabble of peasants. 

Finally, an Asgard Hill Troll. Absolutely love this chap and I’m quite pleased with his orange scales & green hair. 

Next month more trolls!

Forest Giant - 250 Points
4 Troll Foresters 67 points each - 268 points
Total Points for February - 518 points


  1. Excellent work! Some lovely miniatures in there. Though I don't know who the troll with the mohawk is, but he isn't FTT5...

    1. Cheers thanks!
      I’ve only seen him catalogued as a FTT, also his base was the same as the others from the set I have, marked with FTT5 😂 if you see him elsewhere let me know!

    2. Oh, so there's an FTT5 version 2?! I have learned something new, I've only ever encountered the older version, and your guy isn't mentioned on Stuff of Legends.

      Now I guess I need to collect one, as I've got all the others in my Orc army!

    3. Glad I could share him with you, and I wish you good luck in your quest to find him. I was trying to finish my set for this army and had a hard time picking them up!
      I’ve ended up with quite a few of the two headed troll that I intend to use for a future preslotta chaos army, and the armored troll set aside for a bret army but otherwise I haven’t had a chance to see the rest “in the flesh”!

  2. Awesome stuff! Love the really old school figures and the stripes on them!

    1. Cheers, thank you Iannick, can’t have an old school giant without the stripes 👌

  3. A glorious, gory gaggle of gruesomely gesticulating giantoids: I love 'em!

    Good choice of muted colours to accentuate their monstrous nature, excellent work dude.

    1. Cheers, thank you Venom_Mouse! Truly a joy to paint!

  4. Seconding Venom Mouse here - great giants!
    I love tge patterning on the cloths - lovely touch :)

  5. Some classic miniatures and you've really brought them to life - lovely work!

  6. Great to see these painted up! Good job on them!

  7. So gribbly, so old school! Anyone putting out a unit of skirmishing trolls with accompanying Giant knows how to OWAC, that's for sure!
