
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Copper Oracle | 4. Rank and File Terminators and Dreadnoughts (886 pts)

The Hammer had fallen, Dreadnought drop pods smashing into the beleaguered Mantis Warrior defences. 
The Munitions depot had been a strong point and the defenders had dug in well, but  it was not enough and as the pods burst open with a falling panels and hails of twin-linked Bolter fire the air was filled still further with the screams of incoming jump packs.
Within the command complex the Mantis Warriors prepared for the their last stand as casualty reports  and sector losses poured in. Captain Azteem and his surviving command squad faced the blast door in grim preparation for the end, their fingers set against the triggers they would never press.
Light filled the room and from it stepped Squad Kempler, the teleporter light fading to be replaced by the Fire Hawks bright armour and fire of storm bolter and heavy flamer. 
Captain Azteem was the last to fall, small comfort as his cold weapon fell from his hand and hit the floor moments before the blast doors gave way before them. 

Chapter Vs Legion. Anonymous memoirs of the Badab War

My plan for March was a simple one, tactical squad with another Dreadnought and some Techmarines as stretch goals. 

While I started on batch painting the tactical squad, bases and then base yellow I worked on the Dreadnought and Techmarines to break up the monotony.
With the three done well ahead of schedule, I felt confident in dipping into my regular painting queue some Doctor Who Krotons and Quarks and a couple of test pieces for 40k in 15mm my gaming group was looking at. An excuse to try Fire Hawks in 15mm and also become a test to see if I could do their logo in freehand. Up to this point I had avoided unit details as I was mulling over using decals or 3D print, but ended up happy with the result that I could create with a 5 step paint plan and I felt I was able to reproduce, thankfully clouds are quite forgiving.

Original Fire Hawks logo

Contemptor and Marine (based on a penny) for 15mm scale

With a couple of weeks to go the Real World intervened and the time I had planned was heavily reduced so I switched over to my Terminator squad and another Dreadnought which would give me 11 figures (count 2 for Dreadnoughts) and get to the finish line for the month!

Brother Wardens Bosphus and Suluris supported by Techmarines Ghenit and Yartik

Terminator Squad Kempler in Relic Saturnine Pattern Terminator Armour

The First Company are known as the Destroyers, a name taken from the World Eater Terminator bodyguard Unit. 

March Completed forces

With a bit of time spare, I was able to go back and add the Chapter badge to my previous painted forces as well as company details for my Dreadnoughts and squad Sergeant helmets. I used the book Insignium Astartes as a guide.

Three Completed Dreadnoughts with updated Chapter badge and 8th Company Shield

Techmarine detachment

Assault squad updated with Chapter logo and squad sergeant repainted helmet

Completed Fire Hawks so far...

1.  "Devourers' 1st Company, 5th Squad, Squad Kempler

Terminator Squad (5)

Storm Bolter and Power Fist, one marine with Heavy Flamer, Sergeant with Storm bolter and Power Sword = 450

2. Brother Warden Bosphus

Contemptor Dreadnought

Duel Boltgun x 2 = 201

3. Brother Warden Suluris

Contemptor Dreadnought

Duel Boltgun x 2 = 201

4. Techmarine Ghenit

Bolt pistol = 17

5. Techmarine Yartik

Bolt Pistol = 17

Total = 886

Grand Total so far = 2244


  1. Love the painting! Those old terminators look really funky too! go team space marine!

    1. Thanks, they have been sitting in deep storage so long its good to finally see them done!

  2. I do like those old dreadnoughts. Well done

    1. Thanks, big fan of the Dreadnoughts, two more to go!

  3. This project goes from strength to strength, and I love to see it (even if you're unfairly picking on my Mantis Warriors!).

    1. Thanks! The Mantis bashing has become an unplanned theme, though they were an almost choice of Chapter! :)

  4. Jam packed full of character again - the tech marines are both ace.

    1. Thanks, I like the Techmarines, having one per machine may prove hard though!

  5. It may not have turned out as you had planned, but what a great month worth of painting! The whole army so far is inspirational (even if I'm a little bitter as my old RT marine army was Mantis Warriors.)

  6. Sweet jeebus, what a force! All those little touches make it - the flames, the hazards, the insignias and colour placement. My favourite here though is the techmarine with his yellow leg :)
