
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Chris Pridmore's Rank and File Month 4 - The Slighted Circle

 10 Chaos Terminators = 510pts

A motley band of 2nd edition and Rogue Trader terminators, including the first Chaos mini I ever bought as a kid (the skull-faced fella on the end). Tried to build them with as much variety and character as the models allowed. For the paint job, I continued the scheme I've used all year, with particular nods to last month's dreadnought in the yellow and black legs.

 I'll be honest, these guys were the models I was least looking forward to painting, and they weren't easy. They're covered in awkward little details, and ten at a time was challenging batch. Still I finished them (just!) and with that my first OWAC is complete! I'll take some better pictures for my wrap-up post in the next week or so. For now I can rest!


  1. Congrats on reaching the finish line! The skull-faced fella is a classic and my favourite among these terminators. A fine way to finish the challenge!

  2. Great job! Having done several months of 10 terminators I know what a grind it is!

  3. Congratulations! Challenge completed and ten termies is definitely a good output for any month. I love that this includes your first ever chaos mini, and its a classic!

  4. A great way to finish, and those terminators really don't look like the easiest things to paint, so that just adds to the kudos - nice work!
