
Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Mustafa’s Beakies: Month III, rank and file.

Can’t have a space marine without space marines.

This is the second squad of beakies plus rhino.

Tactical Squad : 300pts

Krak Grenades : 30pts

Veteran Sergeant: 5pts

Chainsword :  2pts

Plasma Pistol : 5pts

Missile Launcher : 45pts

Meltagun : 8pts (ignore the fact that it looks like a las cannon!)

Rhino : 50pts

Total : 445pts

That’s basically the meat and bones of a space marine army right there so the rest will be the icing on the cake. I reckon a captain and heavy ordnance will get them fighting fit :)


  1. Gorgeous work dude, the green and white is very striking and just the right amount of weathering. 🤌🤌🤌

  2. These marines looks like warriors, not puppets. I really colour scheme (DA like). I wait for whole army.

  3. Spectacular! This army would be perfect both for RT and the new Horus Heresy.
    10/10 please give us more!

  4. I love your grime and weathering. Papa Nurgle would be proud of you again this month. These marines look like they have been fighting the Long War.

  5. This is like seeing the RT rule book in colour - I love it!

  6. These could have marched straight out of the Rogue Trader book. Perfect!

  7. The tanks are my favourite, grimy and striking at the same time

  8. Looking 👌!
    Such a simple colour scheme, but it's so striking. 👊

  9. Great unit to an already great force. The grimmy style looks ace with the RT style marines, and you've mastered it because it doesn't look overdone. We need to see a report/picture session fighting those squats you already painted!
