
Sunday, April 28, 2024

sewers.of.estark’s Oldhammer Tomb Kings (1,776 Points)

Greetings from the sewers.of.estark!

First of all thanks to all of the wonderful challengers and their excellent armies- there are some really great projects to follow this year :)

And thanks to Byron for inviting me to do a guest post for this year’s OWAC. As a veteran of 3 OWACs I decided to give my spot up this year for a newbie due to my own time constraints and let me tell you, it’s been a breath of fresh air to not be rushing to complete my monthly quota! Even though I’m not competing this year I did start a fresh project off at the start of the year alongside you fine challengers! 

I’ve wanted to build a Tomb Kings army for 20 some odd years, back to when I first saw the 6th edition books and blisters roll out at a local comic shop. Since getting back into the hobby about 5 years ago I’ve been able to pick up quite the collection of undead models, both oldhammer and more modern. Since my lead addiction has only grown stronger I’ve sold off most of the newer aspects of my collection besides a few of the Tomb Kings I’d picked up around release (well and quite a load of other bits, but they are more for conversion than vanilla use) that left me with (IMO) a lovely looking oldhammer army of Tomb Kings. Ideally the army is set up to be used as a 3rd edition undead army, but plays double duty as something I would be happy to field in a 6th edition game. (Apart from my lack of chariots, but I’ll leave that be until I source a handful of them)

Anyways- enough talk let’s take a look at the army as it stands, the individuals that make it up and where I’ll be going from here;

“We now return our souls to the creator, as we stand on the edge of eternal darkness. Let our chant fill the void, in order that others may know. In the land of the night, the ship of the sun, is drawn by the grateful dead.”

Standing in as our army general is of course, a Tomb King.

A Lich Priest, made by Reaper.

Chaos Sorcerer, standing in as a necromancer.

A pair of C29 giant scorpions. (One of which was painted before the challenge but I did rebase him to fit with the rest of the army)

A trio of Ushabti, will count as Temple Dogs in games of 3rd edition.

The first unit of mummies, from the C18 Night Horrors range.

Second unit of mummies made up of some slightly later figures (4th/5th edition) 

A unit of skeleton reapers from the skeleton hordes box with a C17 command figure leading the lot.

A unit of skeleton warriors led by an Iron Claw skeleton.

I’ve also completed a handful of objective markers made up of some pewter figures I found in my bits box.

And finally in the spirit of the competition I’ve painted up a dwarf lord of legend in the colors of my brothers dwarf army that will be gifted to him, mostly to be used as a dungeon adventurer for some upcoming rpgs, but I’m sure will also find a home in a unit of other clansmen.

So what’s to come?

Well, as I mentioned earlier without chariots I’m missing a bit of fast attack, I’ll probably paint up a handful of C21 undead riders to help with that.

I’ve also got a block of 20 or so skeleton archers to help with ranged combat (must have for tomb kings!) I’ve also got an undead catapult crew but no warmachine for them, I’ll likely do my best to find a good replacement or build something from scratch, though it’s not a priority as far as the army goes.

There’s a sealed box of plastic skeletons in my closet tempting me to double down and have two blocks of 20 archers.

And finally there’s a big unit of nightmare legion, some wights, a vampire and another lich priest that will eventually join the rest of the gang!

The total so far-

Characters - (332)

Level 20 tomb king w/ heavy armor & shield (121)

Level 5 tomb priest (90)

Level 5 necromancer (60)

Special Units - (345)

2 tomb scorpion 45 points each (90)

3 ushabiti (counts as temple dog) 85 points each (255)

Core Units (1099)

9 Skeleton Warriors w/ Hand weapons & shields 11 points each (99)

Level 5 undead hero with hand weapon & shield (31)*

10 Skeleton Reapers w/ Shields 12 points each (120)

Level 5 undead hero with scythe and shield (33)*

5 mummies 80 points each (400)

5 mummies with double handed weapons 96 points each (480)

Total points - 1,776

*counted as points towards “Characters”

Thank you again for having me join you briefly, best of luck to all challengers!  

See you in the sewers.


  1. That's a nice looking army! Using Harktnad Brastspawn as a necromancer is a nice idea. His staff fits into the style of these undead really well too.

  2. Good to see you're doing well and the awesome project you've been working on. It's a cool idea to have a multi-edition Tomb King army, bare the lack of the iconic chariots. At least in the third edition there's room for some of the classic artwork or newer monsters introduced in the latests editions.
    Lovely shields and those classic mummies.

  3. Nice, consistent army. Objectives are great.

  4. Lovely army, nice to know that you're still painting :)

  5. This is great to see! I love the idea of guest posts from previous challengers and OWAC updates and this is a very worthy first example - you have been busy! :D
