
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Ben's Alpine Gnomes (717.5 points) OWAC VII - Month 4


Howdy Nerds! April became my war machine month, and it occurred to me that this may be my only army that has zero conversions in it. Because its a third party army and miniature line, I still won't be allowed into the hallowed halls of GW, but it was quite a revelation. 

I haven't taken a hacksaw to anything, or drowned a unit in glue or dirt. If I'm true to my word (and I have all intention to be,) there'll be two hand sculpted crossbows by summertime, but all in all, this may be the most normal wargaming project I've ever done.

While I was reeling from the implications of a "normal" project, I broke out some mushrooms to keep the cannon company company.

I forgot to name them.


Then there's this organ gun, who's wearing a very normal expression.

Maybe its because Jimothy the Goose is poking around, on orders from Bill of course.

And then I decided to make a few more champions, who might slot into future infantry blocks, or could just show up to look intimidating. We'll see!


The Army (thus far)

10 crossbows - 60p
2 illusionists - 112p
1 alpine giant - 160
11 guarden gnomes with light armor, bsb, and musician - 161.5p
champion on foot with halberd and light armor - 39p
5 fox riders - 75p
1 cannon - 60p
1 organ gun - 50p

total points =  717.5/1000

And that's what we've got for April. I hope your projects are going well and that you can see the end in sight! Take care all, and see you in the future!


  1. Really nice additions to the force! The cannons look deceptively benevolent but make the army much more frightening

  2. I wasn't expecting artillery, and I certainly wasn't expecting faces on it. I immediately thought of Thomas the Tank Engine, so maybe there's inspiration for names there (though Gordon the Organ Gun isn't that Gnomish, maybe?)

    Anyway, this army continues to make me smile, thanks!

    1. I honestly love that Thomas Parallel. Gordon the Organ Gun it is!

  3. Yes! Goose ftw!
    How've you found 'normal' army - has it been kinda quicker to progress, or do you find you're more involved when tinkering away adding stuff?

  4. These have great character. The red cannon face and artillery crew gives off mischievous 'red cap' vibes, which in my mind work really well for Gnomes weaving folklore into their artifice.
