
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Slaaneshchild's gruesome leader month !

 Hum hum... this OWAC is coming to an end... so this is the month I decided to paint the most infamous of all, the Great Unclean One himself !

I had this miniature from a friend and I didn't like its head. It is the alternative head, not the one with horns. He looks particularly stupid so I decided to change it.

I "sculpted" him a new face... A big eye with three eyes (boils) in it and a plaguebearer horn. He will be the "Leader of the eye collector legion" ! I can imagine what infamous reciepe he is going to cook with eyes of his victims....

Now I am prettyyyyyy I deserve a kiss !!!! 

Isn't he so cute ? 

I am pretty proud of him. He is "Conjonctivus, supreme leader of the eye collector legion".

But a leader won't be a proper one without an herald ! 

Here come Lord Bubonius, the zealous, a daemon prince of Nurgle. You've all recognized the oldhammer GUO, I just added wings from an Acheron miniature from Confrontation. I just love to imagine him gifted by wings that can't bear him !

This mighty herald will come with his mignons... 7 bases of nurglings.

We have a strong father/son relationship

And of course.... family pictuuuuuure !!!!

Next month, I will paint a leader on chariot and my altar/baggage train. It will be my wild card !

See you next month ! 


  1. Sickly pastels work so well here! I love the conversion work on both GUOs - very effective and evocative of the mutating power of Chaos!

    1. thank you !! The "small wings" are inspired from a Ian Miller's drawing in RoC

  2. I love both of your Great Unclean Ones. The conversion work and paint scheme fits the sculpts very nicely and the many eyed face is magnificent!

    1. Ahahah magnificent !! I didn't expect this word for him :) thanks !

  3. Conjuntivitus, LOL! Great job, love the eyes!

    1. ahah I am glad you like him and his sweet name !

  4. Hard to improve on those classic GOUs, but you did it! Great job. And the wierd sickly pastel colours continue to make your Nurgle fellas stand out from the putrid greenish masses.

  5. Gloriously disgusting as they should be! The subtle conversion on the 5th edition GUO makes it look like a whole new model too.

    1. wow thank you so much because it was the biggest challenge for me, this miniature is so iconic, it is hard to make something new

  6. Very characterful, the many-eyes demon is brilliant

  7. Now that's a face only a mother could love ;) Great conversions and really gross painting (in a good way!)

  8. I agree with Paul - the GUO looks like a brand new model with that face! Great work, and I love the veritable carpet of Nurglings :) Excellent!
