
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

John B's Dwarf Force Ironbreakers and surprise 192 points

 Hello all,

We finally made it to the end. Congrats to everyone and be proud of all you have accomplished.

Dwarf Troops (Final Month)

Full Army shot 

Ironbreakers x16

Dragon Company x 20

Ironbreakers x 15 

Someone drunkenly staggered in to join the group making it 16

Dragon Company with a few modifications x 20

I want to say a big, BIG, thank you to Tom Young for giving me the opportunity to buy this amazing unit from him to paint for this challenge.

Dragon Company Standard

Ulther Stonehammer

Borri Forkbeard


Ironbreaker Standard



Drunk who decided to wander into the Ironbreaker unit

Of course I had to make some more terrain.

Pillers with Skull roses

Runic Guide stones

Wooden Mining Cart

Statue of Cannon and Crew

Sword rack and Telescope

You never know what you might find deep in the forest

Thank you all for following along. I hope you have as much fun looking at these pics as it was (as always) to be able to paint these dwarfs.


  1. A really strong finish. Always love to see the Dragon Company painted, I've been tempted to get a Dwarf army just so I can do that. I also really like the cannon as a statue, it's an unusual idea and somehow suits those minis. Great job.

  2. Congratulations on a completed OWAC! Great finish with such a classic unit and some unique terrain pieces. You have definitely captured something special with your backdrops and scenic elements.

  3. Congratulations on a wonderful looking army, and a successful OWAC! The terrain looks excellent with the models, and I'd second Shadespyre in liking the cannon as a statue - inspired work :)
    (and it's awesome that you've painted the Dragon Company so quickly, I'm glad they've gone to a great home!)

  4. That's a really solid month! It's always nice to see the Dragon Company painted. Where did you get the shields from?
