
Monday, July 8, 2024

Pokrzyw's Druchii - Month 6 - Wildcard - wild beasts (90pts)

 "Flocks of harpies circle over battlefield, swooping down to rip apart their foes with their sharp fangs and talons"

Plans for June:

Plan was simple - finishing all remaining miniatures from challenge:

  • 12 black riders from Month 3
  • warhydra from Month 4
  • Morathi on pegasus from Month 4
  • cold one chariot as alternative for Malekith
  • As a surprise Dragonlord Rakhart


Almost whole month I traveled and wasn't present at home. I started black riders, but have no time for finishing. It would be painted in next weeks. I assembled dragonlord (3d printed - gift from my friend that plays with his new toy). I cannot find Morathi - very strange, that needs deeper investigation. In this week I realized that there is no time for black riders.

Finally I turn to assembly and paint harpies that were somewhere in boxes of shame ;)  Ugly as Morathi without her dark magic, but very useful in game.

Final gallery:

From above

Final results of the month:
  • 6 Harpies (90 pts)
TOTAL: 3828pts

In next week I will create wrap-up of whole OWAC 7. In next Saturday I plan to create some battlefield with miniatures from OWAC 5 and OWAC 7 struggling in combat.

Shelf with Druchii - big part painted during OWAC 7



  1. Valiant month. Your harpies look great.

  2. Love the colours of those harpies, nice job

  3. Good job getting over the line in challenging circumstances, and great job on those Harpies - they are nobody's favourite sculpts and you have made them look good. Kudos for getting them all to stand up at onetime too!

  4. Beautiful work on the Harpies! Really created something wonderful from some questionable sculpts haha. The whole army together on that shelf is mindblowing!!

  5. Way to have the Wildcard in the back pocket. Great OWACing! That's a weighty army indeed - looking forward to seeing them in those battle shots!

  6. You managed to make those harpies look great despite the curveballs life threw, well done!
