
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Adrian's High Elves - OWAC VII wrap up


The first campaign against the ravaging hordes that attacked Tor Nimtala was a success, with the enemies in disarray and vastly surpassed by the elf combat prowess. However, it was a case of winning a battle but losing the war.

Many of the villages surrounding the last port in Tilea were attacked and their people fled to the city or to the forests. Eventually, the elves convinced to seek shelter in Athel Loren grew and the fertile land were progressively abandoned in favor of the younger races that took the land.

With the population diminishing and the constant menace of the orcs and ratmen, the elves loyal to Ulthuan eventually returned to the isle, but not without a fierce fight, as there were two sieges over the port of Tor Nimtala. It is written that the city didn't fell to the enemy; instead, the fire of Ymmrrarior was the ending chapter of its forgotten history as well as the doom for the skaven warlords that tried to pierce its walls.


This year it was a fun little project restoring lots of old plastic models and converting one of my favourite dragons of the entire Citadel line.

My main goal with the painting this year was to replicate an unusual style I started to develop some time ago. I was trying not to paint the usual plain blueish or white main colour that we usually see for high elves, as I'm not too keen on that style. 

I sought inspiration in japanese armours, bits of old fantasy art and also the old comics of Elric of Melnibone, with their colorful armours and clothes. But as you can see, it was mostly japanese art.

Also, the japanese inspiration was bit special, because I opted for the depictions of traditional theatre actors, not only traditional samurai or military clothes. 

The traditional japanese actors and their painting and overly decorated even for the usual samurai standards.

That's why I tried to decorate every cloth with a pattern, motif or particular fabric like the capes for the archers/shadow warriors/scouts. 

Finally, I appreciate all your comments and that you also enjoyed my take on the high elf army. Your armies were also inspiring even in the lowest moments of the challenge! 


The final recap is:

1800 points as per 4th edition army book

63 elves painted

3 houses

and more importantly, 4 bonsai trees


So, what's the plan for the next year. 

Simply put, I don't know. 

I am finishing some of the units for the second batch of dwarves to complete my previous challenge army. Another plan is to get the cavalry, the unfinished chariot and militia unit from this year and some bits for a second batch of high elves.

Or... a 40k 2nd edition army project that maybe if I'm lucky I could finally finish this year. But I am more confident for the other two projects at the moment.

Ah, I can't say goodbye withouth the mandatory Ansell pose. Long live his legend.

See you in the next Old World Army Challenge!

Adrian's out.


  1. Congratulations! As a fellow High Elf collector I can honestly say I love your Japanese/Melnibone inspired take on the High Elves. Such a unique looking force and it works so well when applied across the whole force, and to the background scenery. Those bonsai trees were such a clever addition to sell the whole vibe. I really can't wait to see what you do next! :D

  2. The Japanese influence fits High Elves really nicely and you managed to paint a very personal looking army, the like of which I don't think I've seen before. It's great to see that these classic plastic miniatures are loved and got high quality coats of paint on them

  3. Really cool army.
    The use of the forest dragon is a nice touch, i always liked it.

  4. Really enjoyed the unusual style of these Elves, a real breath of fresh air. Ulthuan is clearly partly inspired by Melnibone but bringing the real world island nation of Japan into the mix is a stroke of genius.

  5. Amazing army! I've loved your colour scheme since day one, and so happy to see it on a whole force. I also love the terrain and the board set up in this photos. This is what Warhammer should look like. Congrats!

  6. The japanase scheme is a great idea and the final result is so nice.Great work, mate!

  7. A wonderful and unique army. Fantastic work!

  8. Look, I hate high elves... You made them fantastic, I already said that but I love you colourscheme. Wonderful work !
