
Sunday, August 4, 2024

Ben's Eldar - OWAC VII - Wrap-up post

What a fun way to fill in some of the gloomier months of the year - even so, I'm glad it's finished!

I've been able to finish off a couple more Vyper Jetbikes - I enjoy that they remind me of the horde of Alaitoc jetbikes, lost in the mists of time, that I used to field when I played Epic.  

And what says 'Space Elves' better than a jet-powered flying wizard?  I've now, I think, painted one of each Warlock sculpt; sadly, when I stripped the paint off this one, it turned out to be (yuck) finecast, and when I tried to straighten the sword, it promptly snapped, so I had to convert him a Singing Spear with a couple of spare parts.  Perhaps he's zapping someone with some kind of eldritch curse.

Adding up the points for the almost 100 models I painted this year, and I am slightly astonished (even though it contains a load of very expensive characters) to find it's over 5,000 points!

Wrap-up Month: 186 pts
Warlock, Singing Spear, Vyper Jetbike - 121 pts
Vyper Jetbike, Shuriken Shrieker Cannon - 65 pts

Wildcard Month444 pts
Baharroth - 161 pts
Warlock, Singing Spear - 76 pts
Exarch, Swooping Hawk Wings, Lasblaster - 95 pts
4 Swooping Hawks - 112 pts

Rank and File Month 4: 949 pts
8 Guardians, Lasgun - 88 pts
3 Guardians, Jetbike, 1 Shuriken Cannon - 98 pts
Lascannon on Anti-Grav Platform - 59 pts
8 Scouts - 184 pts
Dreadnought, Missile Launcher - 205 pts
War Walker, Lascannon, Scatter Laser - 150 pts
Asurmen - 165 pts

Leader Month: 646 pts
Avatar - 300 pts
Warlock Master, Vyper Jetbike, Singing Spear - 222 pts
Ghost Warrior (Solitaire), 2 Power Fists, Shuriken Catapult, Refractor Field - 124 pts

Rank and File Month 3: 1,414 pts 
Warlock, Witch Blade - 66 pts
Exarch, Dark Reaper Range Finder, Missile Launcher - 100 pts
Exarch, Web of Skulls, Chainsword - 77 pts
Exarch, Fire Pike, Melta Bombs - 80 pts
Exarch, Flamer, Melta Bombs - 64 pts
Fuegan - 176 pts
Maugan Ra - 179 pts
4 Fire Dragons - 112 pts
4 Fire Dragons - 112 pts
4 Dark Reapers - 268 pts
4 Sun Basilisks - 180 pts (estimated!)

Rank and File Month 2: 820 pts
Jain Zar - 187 pts
4 Howling Banshees - 81 pts
Exarch, Banshee Mask, Power Sword, Laspistol - 69 pts
Exarch, Warp Spider Jump Generator, 2 Death Spinners - 90 pts
4 Warp Spiders -164 pts
8 Guardians, Shuriken Catapults - 118 pts
3 Warlocks, Witch Blade - 66 pts
Shuriken Cannon on Anti-Grav Platform - 45 pts (estimated)

Rank and File Month 1: 900 pts
Warlock, Singing Spear - 76 pts
Exarch (converted), Shuriken Catapult, Power Sword - 61 pts
Karandras - 150 pts
2 Guardians, Jetbike with Shuriken Catapults, Jetbike with Shuriken Cannon - 67 pts
4 Dire Avengers (converted) - 88 pts
3 Striking Scorpions - 78 pts
5 Wraithguard - 175 pts
Dreadnought, Extra Distortion Cannon - 205 pts

Grand Total: 5,359 pts

As I've finally got to the bottom of the pile of minis... I couldn't resist taking a picture of my whole army, including stuff I painted last year as part of another challenge:


  1. Well done, mate! Incredibly impressive army, and amazing that you've been able to paint so many individual models!

  2. That's an impressive and very stylish army, well done! I started the hobby as a dwarf collector and elves and eldar have always felt a bit distant. You and this project managed to inspire me to buy a small collection of oldhammer eldar.

  3. The work on the Vyper riding Warlock speaks perfectly to the real grace in how you convert and repose models to help capture the elegantly efficient dynamic feel of the Eldar with this army. You clearly have a great feel for them and it shows. Congratulations on a cracking OWAC!

  4. le gasp! The bottom of the pile of minis? I've heard it's glorious to behold, much like your Eldar! Congratulations!

  5. I've enjoyed watching this force grow, and it looks splendid along with last year's output. You've achieved a very smart, Eldar-y feel to the minis which certainly brings a Craftworld army closer to the front of my (already rather crowded) wish list. It's also clever how the apparently simple basing scheme somehow enhances the look of everything. Nice work!
