
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Mariano Sánchez - Wood Elves - Wrap up

This is the end...

I forget to do a pic with my army...


This is a very special OWAC for my because is the last one for Wood elves. Four OWACS later, the journey is over. Well, I would like to say that the adventure of painting a massive Wood Elves army is completed but it is not, ´cos I still have 20 dryads to be repainted (thankfully not enough for a fifth Wood Elves OWAC).

First of all, I have to thank the OWAC initiative, without this amazing project, I´m pretty sure I would have never finished my army. So THANK YOU for all the support, the comments, the work behind the web...

As I did last year, lets do a review

On 1st of January I had:

and now I have:

Let's see the visual summary:







And all of them together on a Warhammer table:

And now, my Wood Elves army:

yep, so many of them...

And a big bunch of pics:

Well, I hope you like it. I love it.

See you next year!!!!!!


  1. No words really. That is one of, if not the most beautifully painted army I've ever seen.

  2. Your range of greens alone is breath-taking let alone the rainbow NMM! I love how you capture light and dark and how well you have captured the sense of magic of the dark forest with this army. It is quite simply spectacular. Congratulations, you should be incredibly proud!

  3. Stunning! The end of a incredible journey, the result is an army that every gamer would envy
    We have high expectations for your next project!

  4. Literally the stuff of dreams.
    It's like watching people cross the line at an Olympic final - every effort to the max. Amazing.

  5. An army of this caliber and painted to this level is an achievement that is probably unparallelled by any. It will be interesting to see what comes next!

  6. Well, i already said it but i ll repeat again, a really great achievment for a warhammer fan. We can see every model of the WE line here with a stupending painting.
    Kuddo for finding all the minis you were looking for. I really like also the mix between old minis and new bits in order to make crazy new units than can match all editions army list. Everyone i think you can't outdo yourself, you're bringing new units, new monsters or new characters to the roster.
    Congratulations for reaching the end one more year.

  7. I'm not sure there is anything left to say at this point. It's an incredible project, a brilliant achievement. Truly you are the Eternal King of the Wood Elves.

  8. I can honestly say that this is one of my favourite armies ever, not just in the Oldhammer space, but just in general. Every model is painted with such care and talent that they're worthy of plenty of praise alone. But together! Amazing. Just amazing.

    Congratulations on the culmination of years of work. I bet it must feel amazing, but maybe a bit weird, to call it finished now? In any case, it's been an honour following this project this year! Looking forward to seeing whatever you do next

  9. Wow Mariano, your army is so huge you'll soon need a VR app to show it :D
