
Friday, August 9, 2024

PaulM - Mórr's Wild Hunt - Wrap-Up

The Heart Tree bleeds. 

The Heart Tree bleeds, red in the dappled sunlight of the forest. 

The Heart Tree bleeds because she is in pain. The forest is in pain. Athel Loren is in pain!

Invaders, intruders, interlopers! They come with axe and they come with fire; and so, the Heart Tree bleeds. 

They come with violence and fury, and animal lusts. Raging against all that is true and beautiful; and so, the Heart Tree bleeds.

But she is not defenceless. No, this forest has violence and fury of its own. And deep within its Glades it rises. The Kindreds have come! 

They anoint themselves in the blood of the Heart Tree so as they might share its pain as they redouble it upon its enemies. They move, swift and silent as thought, between towering trunks and across mighty boughs. They rise with the creaking of branches in a summer storm, and cracking of earth under the hottest sun.

Athel Loren goes to war!

So, I'm now a two time OWAC veteran eh? Peachy. 

It's a been a slog though if I'm honest. Despite only painting a slack handful of miniatures, I'm bloody sick of the sight of them. But still quite proud of the little force I've managed to muddle through regardless.

So what does that final force look like I hear nobody ask? Well, it comes out something like this:

Mórr 'The Slayer' - Wood Elf General                             166pts

Cruath 'The Truth Sayer' - Mage Champion                    121pts

No-Mórr 'The Demoted' - Archer Champion                   56pts

Scarloc - 'The Aged' - Scout Champion                           56pts

5 Scouts - 'The Pine Glades Kindred'                               80pts

15 Archers - 'The Pine Crags Kindred'                            187pts

5 Glade Riders - 'The Kindred of Equos'                        210pts

16 Dryads - 'The Wizened Ones'                                     560pts

Treeman - 'Groth The Gnarled'                                        280pts

TOTAL (sans magic items etc.)                                                      1,716pts

Points as per the 4th Edition army book, though these will mostly see service in 6th Edition and The Old World (where it comes out somewhere around 1,300pts under the same conditions). 

So, points wise, a little more than I thought I'd manage. And model wise a little less. I still have bits and pieces I would like to do, but they will have to wait a little while until I'm back in the mood for green...

Anyway - Army Shot and Ansell (RIP) pose. This was taken at this year's BOYL (an appropriate place for an Ansell pose if there ever was one!), thank you to the lady who took it for me, all credit goes to them...but I'm sorry I forgot to ask your name!

And a wee shot of the army as a whole:

Next year? Well, there's that Undead thing I wanted to do...oh and that 2nd ed Khorne Berzerker army...or maybe finish off my Chaos army from my first OWAC (I bought so many knights)...or maybe just chill a year. 

Seriously, I'm a glacially slow painter with limited time; this has meant I have painted nothing but these elves for the past seven months. And it is making me reconsider if I want to take part again. But never say never.

Congratulations to all my follow competitors. You've all produced some absolutely stunning forces of which you should be very proud. I hope to see some of them in the flesh some time and maybe we can throw some dice and push little toy soldiers around. 



  1. It's not all about huge numbers of figures (and yes, that's me saying that!) - what you've produced looks great and you should be very pleased with yourself. It'd be great to have you back again for OWAC VIII if you can manage it.

  2. It has been a real pleasure completing the challenge alongside you this year Paul, I've really enjoyed seeing your take on the Woodies and the lush green basing really sets off your excellent paintjobs.

    I do know what you mean about the OWAC being all consuming. Maybe you could think about competing in alternate years? I know the year I took a break made me keen to come back for more! ;D

    Very much hope to see you back in the future, but for now congratulations on a cracking OWAC!

  3. Taking the army shot at BOYL definitely secures you the army shot of the year award! Hopefully you get to take part in OWAC VIII.

  4. Fantastic work! You've create such a cohesive force, all super well painted and ideally representative of the Wood Elf vibe. I'm so sad I didn't get to admire them in person at BOYL, but still amazing to see them all together like this. Congratulations

  5. Well worth all of the time and effort! Superb army!
