Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Nathan’s rank and file month 3 - hump month done and dusted! (408 points)

Well I got through hump month without having to use my mulligan which I am very happy about. As I noted last month this month’s figures are a continuation of the unit I started painting in February. Said unit of warriors with double handed weapons and crossbows is now complete including command figures and a couple of extras. Anyway here are the point values of the figures I did in March:

- 5 dark elves with double handed weapons, light armor,  shield and crossbows (80 points)

- 1 dark elf with double handed weapon, light armor, crossbow and standard (30 points)

- 1 dark elf with double handed weapon, light armor, crossbow and horn (30 points)

- 1 Witch Helm (unit leader lvl 10 hero) with double handed weapon, light armor shield and crossbow (96 points)

- 1 Bloodshade (lvl 5 assassin) with additional hand weapons, throwing knives, light armor and crossbow (55 points)

- 1 Witch Helm (lvl 10 hero for my helldrake unit) with double handed weapon, light armor, crossbow and riding a cold one. He will also have magic missiles for the crossbow which is a nasty surprise for any unit attacking them. (117 points)

Total 408 points

April is witch elf month which leaves me May and June to work on my cold one chariot, remaining cold one riders and army general.




  1. Great job on getting through the month. I dig the variation in skin tones you did.

  2. Half way mark reached in style, good job on this batch. Classic black and purple still looking sharp :)

  3. Good work keeping up progress and finishing off units. This is another trusted and true method of OWACing that can help defeat the monotony of painting big blocks of the same thing and I'm glad it is working for you.

    Can we get a picture of everything you have painted up to the half way point? :)

  4. These look great! And that classic box is an ideal back drop!

  5. nice! My only gripe is that there's only one photo of the cold one rider - he looks aces!

  6. Good work with those last remaining ranks of the units. It's cool to see different "races" of dark elves intermingled and giving variety, especially loving the drow-esque skin tones.


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