Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Renegades of Funk (Skåls Rank and File month 3)


Emerging from the warp's swirling maelstrom, Chaos Renegade Marines materialized on the planet's surface, their twisted armor adorned with blasphemous symbols. With ruthless efficiency, they descended upon the Imperial stronghold, their weapons singing the discordant hymns of Chaos. Blood-soaked battle cries echoed as they stormed through defenses, leaving only carnage in their wake. The air crackled with dark energy as they unleashed unholy fury upon their foes, driven by a malevolent thirst for destruction. Amidst the chaos, the Renegades sought to sow fear and despair, a grim reminder of the ever-looming threat of the warp's malefic influence.

Month three is here and then it's gone in the blink of an eye. But what a glorious month it was. This month was a tribute to my gaming buddies from Maryland who got me back into playing Rogue Trader. Because of the grumpy gamers I have painted up several forces to use in the chaotic scenarios that the master of chaos himself dreams up. Yes, Brian, I am talking about you.

Above is the crew in all of their chaotic glory. From left to right, first, we have Brian the tentacle flamethrower, next to him is Four-Armed Will the Conquer, in the middle is Titillating Psychedelic, Cool Jeff, followed by the Killer of Hopes and Dreams of Others, Andrew, and finally the Misfit of the crew Tom the Legend himself.

As if the five above was not enough, I painted another five Renegades to make sure I could field a squad of 10 or two squads of five. In this group, second to the left, we have Ben the Never-Present brother of Tom. Finally in the middle is me Skål the Ever Angry always ready to paint new $hit. 

I wanted to make sure to call out the Misfits logo on Tom the Legends backpack. Tom is a good buddy of mine and I wanted to make sure to include the Misfits somehow into his Renegade.

Till next month.

"Here's to us,

And those like us.

Damn few and they're probably dead.



 Renegades of Funk


  1. It shows that you enjoyed painting these models, they look glorious!

    1. Thanks, Jaska. I need to paint more of these classic sculpts

  2. I recently painted some minis to represent my friends' D&D characters, but painting minis to actually represent your friends is a great idea! And these look brilliant, too.

  3. I love the variety, theme, and painting. It feels like you're doing these classic sculpts exactly as they should be done! (I'm a little jealous...)

  4. What a fantastic tribute to your hobby buddies - brilliant stuff and extremely chaotic!

    Great pictures again! Your posts are always really eye catching :)

  5. Looking fantastic. I love that they are real world named!

  6. Awesome unit and nice to see them displayed as the classic renegades with the mix of colours, allegiances and so on. Love the nurgle one with the classic arquebus and the heavy weapon in pinks. Also your picture scenes are impressive as always!


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