
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Andy's From the Breeding pits.. (225 points)

Scrambling forth from the lower levels of the hellish spawning pits of Skavenblight came the foul mutated rat ogres...

5x Rat ogres 45pts each total 225pts

Really loved painting these guys so simple. Personally like the 2nd edition releases as they have more character so might add some at a later date.

I enjoyed working on the larger bases which allowed me to use bigger cork pieces and more foliage, it can be strangely calming .

I employed the same technique as the other clan Skaven troops. Black under cost, various base coats for furs, shade then very faint dry brush. Again I like adding contrasting skins tones to make the figures pop.

Finally I add a little detail by including separate pen tags.


  1. That's a lot of big ones! Nice job!

  2. That's a nice sized unit of big guys! Nice basing too

  3. One can never have too many ogres, no matter what type...

  4. Nicely done. I have a weird mix of old and new skaven, apparently I don't have this generation of Rat Ogres.

  5. Really nice muted colour palette and natural looking bases
