
Sunday, February 27, 2022

Andrea's Space Wolves - It's tank time! - (201 points)

Rank & File month 2 

Hi everybody,

this month it was an easy business... about painting! February has always been a difficult month because of family affairs, job, ski holiday, locust invasions, etc. So this time I took countermeasures and instead of running for finishing my monthly quota, a nice tank was the selected option!

Therefore, here is the Predator Annihilator in full Space Wolf style (and it seems I do not even messed up company badges!): the basic tank 120 pts + lascannon sponsons 90 pts.


The final result was quite satisfying, also considering that I was pessimistic about the outcome of a three-day bath-&-rubbing for decoloring! Honestly, if you look very close at the model, there are still evident signs of the process but this eventually add to the charm of a long-used and repaired war engine. Moreover,  it was also necessary the restoration of a couple of exhaust pipes (as far as I remember those were the first bits of the model to snap off, usually shortly after the painting and before the first battle!). Another great success: decals attached without even the smaller problem! In conclusion, I really had fun in doing it!

Now, hoping to have next months free enough to dedicate to Grey Hunter, the remaining Blood Claws and terminators, to not forget the boss, I will proceed in the challenge (well... there is always a Rhino in waiting, just in case... ;-))

Ciao, A


  1. Very tidy tank, and yes those exhaust pipes are a terror

  2. It looks excellent! And I have learned the lesson of having a vehicle waiting in the wings! Go team Space Marine!

  3. Nice - good thinking with the tank for Feb, looks imposing!

  4. You've made a really good job for the white, well done, not the easiest of colours.

  5. Outstanding, that white is incredible!

  6. Great work - definitely nailed that subtle weathering!

  7. Lovely looking paint job and pictures - the backdrop makes it look like it is in an Imperial hangar somewhere. Nice job!
