
Sunday, February 27, 2022

Chris H - Reikland Army Units 2, 3 & 4 (1177 points)

 Rank and File Month 2

It's been a busy month, I wanted to take the biggest unit next and pleased I was able to complete them and still leave time for a further two units of Helblitzen and Reiksguard.  100 miniatures in total - 1177 points.  Never to be repeated!

60 Ersatzsolder armed with pikes and breastplates lead by Burgomeister Reinhard (Lvl 20), with Siffridus the Sword (Lvl 10) champion, standard bearer and musician - 709 points

Also completed are the second unit of Helblitzen - 20 men with Halbards and breastplates also, standard bearer & musician - 198 points

Finally in February are the Reiksguard themselves, 20 +2 elites in heavy armour, shields, two handed swords and and standard, lead by Locotenant Volkmar (lvl 10) - 270 points.

Month 2 - all units.... 

And all units months 1 and 2 together during a muster on the banks of the Reik....

I finished month 1's unit on Jan 16th so had time to get ahead.  but was worried that the unit of pikes would defeat me so wanted to have plenty of time at it.  The painting technique is a zenithal highlight with a dry brush white that also works as an undercoat for the black armour, making it very quick...


  1. hooooooooly mooooooooooley.
    That is super impressive, aaand from here they're looking glorious!
    Congratulations on such a feat of endurance :)

  2. Well done Chris, a cohesive selection of units which look great.

  3. Wow, those ranks of pikes sure are something!

  4. What a fantastic display, well done!

  5. OMG that is so awesome! So many figs, so fast, so good!

  6. Very impressive dude! We'll have to get together for a game :)

  7. Wow! That's a whole army already!

  8. I look forward to dropping cannonballs into these.

    Accidentally leaning on the spikey pikes not so much!

  9. Beautiful forest of pikes! Outstanding output and they look fantastic!

  10. It might be a very simple recipe for the white uniforms, but its the attention to the rest of the detail in terms of accent colours, banners, and basing that make this look the part. Very Teutonic, especially with the addition of the Reiksguard!
