
Friday, February 25, 2022

Jaeckel's dwarfs - Rank & File II - Pikemen (173 points)

Second month of the OWAC V, and second unit of pikemen, after the canton of Uri / BlackHorns clan painted last year. This time, I wanted something inspired from the canton of Schwyz: these new dwarves would wear red and white, and carry a banner showing a white cross on a red background. Efficient, and  simple to paint 😁

The Bernese Chronicle

Admittedly a rather ordinary regiment... until I see this picture in the Chronicon Helvetiae:

No clue what this jester is doing in this illustrated chronicle, but I wanted one for my unit, seconding his lord, and cheering the  guards with lame jokes. So, instead of aligning 10 additional dwarves from the marauder MB1 and MM15 ranges, I have replaced two of them by the gnome jester of the Dwarf King's Court set and the Baron of the Dwarf Lords of Legend set. Et voilà!

And the rest of the bunch:

Now grouped for the family shot:

9 pikemen with musician (the fool) and standard bearer + a Level 5 champion (the Baron) with heavy armour and additional hand weapon =  173 points

With this regiment, I have now painted all the mandatory troops for a 3rd edition Warhammer dwarf army: 40 warriors split into 20 pikemen and 20 halberdiers, and two units of 10 crossbowmen each 🍻

Next month should see a new clan with harquebuses and a hairy mascotte 🐻


  1. I really love these renaissance dwarves, the Baron in particular! Looking forward to seeing the arquebusiers.

    1. thanks! I have already started working on them.

  2. Lovely work, as always.

    A hairy mascot sounds intriguing. I’m hoping for Cyril the bear.

  3. Absolute gem! They look magnificent :)

  4. Always a fan of mr. Jaeckels work. Since I am a resident of Switzerland , I am biased to like this army even more. I would like also to thank you for the material in your blog it was an inspiration for my Italian Wars Swiss Mercenaries .

  5. Beautiful, and nice to see Corbitt Shortstuff making an appaerance. Also I just noticed that our armies have some commmon heraldry!

    1. I'm happy too to have found a way to put a gnome in this army. By common heraldry, do you mean the red and yellow association?

    2. Specifically, the red and yellow flags which I've just started adding black boars to! Maybe I picked up some subliminal influence there! :)

  6. Gorgeous work as always, I’m particularly fond of the jester and I love the stripes!! Looking forward to seeing the full force!

    1. Compared to the dwarves, the sculpting job is a little bit odd (and old); but it's a welcome change among all these Marauder Miniatures.

  7. Lovely job! And the jester is a great addition! Are you doing the bear next month?

    1. Thanks Lissane. Yes, the bear is part of the plans for next month :)

  8. Perfection and keep those historical references coming - very inspirational! Love the Jester - it's these little touches that really add narrative and character to a unit!

  9. Top-notch painting again! Brimming with character and lovely amounts of detail! Awesome! Keep it up!

  10. Thanks a lot for your encouraging feedbacks.

  11. Sumptious! The faces on the dwarven pikemen almost glow! I'm also really appreciating all the historical references. Fantastic stuff!
