
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Mariano´s Wood Elves - Glade raiders (Mounted archers) - 185 pts

 Rank and File month #II

My objective for February* was to paint not one but two mounted archers units and I have been really closed to do it but an unexpected trip at the end of the month make it totally impossible to achieve it... (arrgggg!)

* Yes, two units on the shorter month, I´m so clever.

The positive side, I have done half of the painting work for the next month so I´ll be able to add an extra unit on March. Who knows???

What have I done this month...?

5 x Glade Raiders with light armour and long bows                                                     Total: 185 
Total points: 425

Time to show you some pics... hope you like them.

I have mixed feelings about this month. I happy with the painting work (but not very happy) and a little bit dissapinted because on my head I was "on time" to finish both units but February and real life plans show me that sometimes you have to admid the defeat.

See you next month!!!!


  1. I see what you mean, those horses appear awefully flat, you've done a good job of instilling some life into them.

  2. Niiiiice! My favourite part is the work on the scale armour bits - lovely colour :) 💪

  3. Is this a bone stuck in the hair of one of the riders?
    I like the elves, I'm less convinced by some horses.

    1. Yep, bones in one of the raiders. And day by day I like less my work on the horses...

    2. don't bother. you'll have plenty of time after the end of the challenge to repaint their robes hair by hair :op

  4. These are great! Yes, life gets in the way. And the horses look wonderful ranked up. I have noticed the fuller horse sculpts sometimes don't rank up as well. Life happens. And you are ahead for next month!

  5. Beautiful work Mariano and don't worry about your output; February is definitely the hardest month!

  6. Really nice work again. I could suggest that the two brown horses would benefit from a little more colour variation, perhaps lightening the undersides a touch would help, particularly the armoured horse looks rather flat compared to its armour. But I'm only nit-picking because you're a genius, I'd be more than happy to have painted those beasts! :)

  7. Great-looking unit!
    You chose the colours for the horses very well - they're very natural looking. I found them challenging to paint due to the big, flat areas (at least compared to the heaps of detail on the riders).
    Can't wait to see the army expand!

  8. Looking lovely Mariano - commiserations on the interference from real life but sounds like we have a real treat to come this month though!

  9. The colours on these Wood Elves are so vibrant. Absolutely gorgeous! Seems like rather than a half finished February you should look at this as good progress towards the finish line.
