
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Copper Oracle | 3. February Wildcard bits and pieces (522 pts)

The Mantis Warriors had halted their retreat and dug in around a munitions depot. In desperation they had abandoned movement and flexibility that played to their Chapters skills in exchange for safety and a chance to survive.They had chosen well, It’s wall were thick and has been built to endure fire from without or an explosion from within. It would need more firepower than the Fire Hawks that harried them carried. 

But the Fire Hawks were not alone and as their forward units encircled the position, armoured drop pods were already burning their way down from low orbit deployment. A hammer was needed to break the Mantis Legion and Warden Tyrak would be that bright strike and lay open the way. 

Chapter Vs Legion. Anonymous memoirs of the Badab War 

After making such a strong start in January, February was a worry for me. The shortest month coupled with various work commitments and a half term away did not leave me much time and I didn't want to end up compromising on the paintwork just to get things done. 

In the end I decided on using my Wildcard and just seeing what I could get done...

Bomb Bots were featured in the original Rogue trader book but never had miniatures released for them, although they did lend themselves to a easy creation from the bits box. 
I found this one as a 3D file and printed off the five you can have per Techmarine.  

The Techmarine for the bots is Communications officer Kendall, i have seen him used as a Techmarine by others and he works perfectly as the controller. I also gave him a Jump pack to allow him keep up and also bulk him out a bit as he is a small sculpt.

Techmarine Barath

The red for the Techmarines is darker than that used for the flames to mark them as different, but some original livery armour will still tie them into the army

Techmarine Kirann
Follows the same convention with partial Fire Hawk armour and the remainder in dark red and metallic

Next on my table was the Land speeder I had prepped but hadn't started last month. I wanted one of these, not just for the classic RT exposed crew look but also to provide some fast support for my Assault squad.

This one is unfortunately not an original but a modern community sculpt I have printed.

'Sky Shard' 

A late night burst of inspiration (the upside to insomnia!) also enabled me to complete my first Dreadnought

Warden Tyrak

February Challenge figures
This month has shown me I need more Techmarines, and two more Land speeders for a full squad!

Fire Hawks completed force so far...

1. Techmarine Barath

Bolt Gun, Jump Pack = 21

2. Bomb bots

x5 = 25

3. Techmarine Kirann

Bolt pistol = 17

4. ' Sky Burners' 8th Company Land speeder Support Squadron

Landspeeder ' Sky Shard '

Heavy Bolter, Multi-Melta = 212

5. Brother-Warden Tyrak 

Furibundus Dreadnought

Duel Boltgun, Las-Cannon = 277

Total = 552

Grand Total so far = 1421


  1. You've some cracking old school minitures amongst that little lot and a paint job to match, well done.

  2. Holy moly, they're looking like a formidable force already. The speeder is wonderful - great job!

    1. Thank you, Hope to get a couple more Speeders done and field a full squadron!

  3. Nice! By the way, with 10 models painted, you could have spared your wildcard and declared February as a rank & file month.

    1. Thank you, I wasn't sure if I was going to make a full ten and was painting and updating the blog post as I went along, the Dreadnought was done the night before I went on holiday between packing.

  4. These are just 18/10. Your project is just going from strength to strength!

    1. Thank you, just hope I can keep it up and do the figures justice

  5. Enjoying someone else painting in yellow and red! These look great, love the techmarine scheme

    1. Thank you, not normally colours I go for but all in with these! I wanted to add a bit of Chapter flair with the Techmarines and echo the duel scheme of the Chaplain

    2. I enjoyed that aspect of painting Space Marines - do these colour combos make sense? No, but The Codex says that's what you're wearing! :)

  6. These are great! I love the models, especially the Land Speeder! Wow! Go team Space Marine!

    1. Thank you, between our two chapters, Space Marines are all bright this year!

  7. Excellent job! Lovely figures matched with a lovely paint job! I particularly enjoy the bomb bots!!

  8. Love those Bomb Bots and Barath is one of my favourite Marine models! You can't go wrong with those old Dreads and the community sculpt Land Speeder looks fantastic!

    1. The communications marine is a lovely sculpt to paint and I was really happy to find the land speeder, far more affordable than the originals and certainly plan on a full squad

  9. What a wild card to play! I love the tech marines + heavy/fast support aspect of any Space Marine Army, but these really set your force apart yet keep it 100% RT. Top marks!

    1. Thanks! The fluff on the Fire Hawks has them as quite a hard hitting, overwhelming force and strikes. I imagine them a bit like the World Eaters but without the nails! Trying to build units to match that and the Speeders will provide some support to my assault troops
