
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Lissanne's Rainbow Warriors - Q.T. Mark Crusaders (206 pts)

 Rank & File #2

'In the name of Prism, I will punish you!'
This month, the Q.T..Mark Crusaders and their leader Quest Taker,known as Q.T. for short. Consisting of a squad of 10 standard mostly monopose marines, modified of course. with a leader and a metal plasma gunner.  I wanted to do some brightly colored old marines as a change of pace from the somber terminatiors of last month.  They all have personal marks on their knee and leg armor, too!

And their vehicle, a scratchbuilt paper rhino. Here is the Celestia!  Complete with prism maned unicorn.  I am always doing something a bit different with all my Rhino body models (I have lots) but I discovered Chaos Rhinos are way more forgiving than non-chaos rhinos.   You can always add fiddly bits like the odd spike or crab claw with Chaos, not so much with normal vehicles.  

 Banners!  I wanted to try greenstuff banners, and did a couple with middling results.  But I decided the Rainbow Warriors love flashy banners, the larger the better!  Also I was inspired by Matthew's banner, and the fact everyone seems to be banner crazy this OWAC.  So a prism maned alicorn banner.  I put all of them on the Celestia, what the hay!  Pony power!  I have more vehicles planned, and may do another rhino before this OWAC ends.  

This squad is the Q.T. Mark Crusaders, so I gave them tabards like crusaders.  And the leader Q.T. is the first where the ugly man head is replaced with a pretty sister's head.  And a pink power sword for good measure!

And there was a lot of freehand on the shoulders too!  I don't use decals, even if there were ones for the Rainbow Warriors.

So, in keeping with naming them all, here are Somnambula, Snow Dash and Daring Do.

Scootaloo, Sunshower and Downdraft

And Inky Rose, Wind Sprint and Stormy Flare

I did paint the backs, too!


10 Space Marines 15pts each (150 total)
Plasma Gun +6pts
Rhino Celestia 50 pts

total 206 pts

Next month plan, a drop pod and the terminators it holds!


  1. Just loving the unicorn and rainbow vibe.

  2. hodiggidydayum! Fabulous. The uni-orns are crazy -hard enough to draw at the best of times, let alone on a 4cm square!

  3. Lovely work Lissanne! That banner is amazing :)

  4. Fabulous is indeed the word to describe them! Love that banner Lissanne!

  5. Raising that OWAC Banner game again! Look at the size of that thing! :D

    The modified marine with SOB head looks great too.
