
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Nathan’s last rank and file month (260 points)

Well as the post says it is my last rank and file month. I nearly took a mulligan as I haven’t actually finished all the witch elves that I want to paint up (five more are on my painting desk and will be finished by the 10th of May) but I did end up painting enough figures to meet the monthly requirement. All up I finished these:

- 7 witch elves with two hand weapons and light armor (77 points)

- 1 death dealer (Level 15 hero for witch elf unit) with two hand weapons and light armor (131 points) 

- 1 crossbowman with light armor, shield and hand weapon to get my unit of crossbow men up to 15 (13 points)

- 1 helldrake - +3 shock elite on cold one with hand weapon, light armor and shield (39 points)

Here they are:




  1. Nice additions, well done on getting through the ten minis in time :)

  2. I dig those varied skintones. Congrats on soldiering through the rank and file months, it's all fun and games after them!

  3. Love the blue skin! Enjoy the last month!

  4. Well done on getting across the line for another month!

  5. Love these old Witch Elves! Great job on them! The skin colours really helps bring some variety to the unit.
