
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

John Bentleys Dwarf Thunderers (162 points)

 Thunderers Arriving with command

always fun to paint old school dwarfs

hope all of you were able to enjoy your month painting

Group Shot - Ready to rain lead




Standard Bearer

Even Kraggi lends a hand

Rock formation in the back was also painted this month 

Always glad to paint some happy little Dwarfs

Hope you all are still going strong and enjoying yourselves


  1. Nice unit, it's always good to see a bit of bright colour on dwarves. And the extra rock scenery makes me feel a bit lazy, I need to try to find time for some stuff like that too.

  2. Can't have a dwarf army without thunderers, can you? Great work with them!

  3. Noice! Love the sprinkle of leaves! My only gripe is that they're very far away (although maybe that's where they should be to rain down that lead!)

  4. Short and to the point... and no that is not a Dwarf joke!

    Well done on completing another month.
