
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

PaulM - Mórr's Wild Hunt (231 pts) - R&F month 3

Short one this month.

Was just prepping to finish up for the month and my daughter proceded to break her arm (for the second time) and I'm not long back from the hospital as I write this and don't have it in me to do much more than the bare minimum in terms of post content or pictures. Mea culpa. 

Proof of the month's progress below:

The Kindred of Equos - 5 Glade Riders with Command - 231pts

I also managed to get a load prepped for the coming month, having managed to get hold of some 4th edition era Morley archers and some more Trish Carden Dryads from a friend who was massively downsizing his collection, as well as Groth the Treeman (sculpted by TC also) which was a birthday gift from my gaming group. Lastly I managed to track down a Scarloc mini. So that's an added bonus. 

Watch this space...

Anyway, normal service to resume in my next post. Peace. 


  1. Nice riders, they almost make me wish that I could be bothered to paint some! And I'm really looking forward to your Trish collection next month, I had a lot of fun painting my own Groth.

    Best wishes to your injured daughter, what terrible luck.

  2. That's a good month despite the adversities and the next month looks very promising. I wish all the best to your daughter and her arm, family first!

  3. Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery!

  4. 5 horsies plus their riders is still no slouch! Nice prep pic - that Treeman is huuuge.
    Speedy healing for the daughter's arm - I hope it's not a re-break of the first break, and that it was whilst doing something notboring!

  5. Sounds like you did well to make it through with a post given the circumstances - I hope she is OK!

    I can see we have some of the same minis in our 'to-do' pile but one thing my army is missing is cavalry, so I'm quite jealous of yours!

  6. Well done on getting through the month! Looking forward to seeing the Treeman and all those Dryads getting painted up.
