
Monday, May 13, 2024

Byron's Hippy Wood Elves - Wild Card Month (280 points)

Thornback the Grouch was awoken in the night. The elves were at it again, partying with their loud music and festivities. Oh how he hated the noise.

He crept down from his perch on the forest rise and began his trudge downhill to quiet the racket. His rage growing with each step. "Do they not know what hour it is?" His grumbling grew to a gripe as he was now speaking aloud. "I bet they've got their hoota maloots and their strumma malums all playing their blasted song-alongs!"

Bleary-eyed and cranky Thornback entered the clearing to see the gay elves prancing, jamming, grooving, and otherwise having a proper happening. Then he saw the rare winter flowers in their hair and he roared a roar that was as if ages of pent up slights, once dammed, were unleashed at once. 

"They come with music, they come with games. Dancing, jumping, shouting, playing, blaring! Pluckers of flowers! Curse them!"

He tore through the merry-making; a real drag on the vibe. The disrespectful young elf folk dispersed in a flash. 

Thornback dragged himself back to his wooded hillock to try and get more sleep. There were only two weeks left in winter. "BurĂ¡rum. Third time this decade." He muttered to himself; exhausted by the elves overly-frequent antics. 

Presenting Thornback the Grouch - Treeman (280 points)

Many of our keen-eye hobbyists will recognize Thornback as Durthu the treeman character. However, he is no ordinary Durthu. He is converted at considerable effort. I've never liked Durthu. I've always wanted one of the other, older, marauder treeman sculpts. However, Durthu is what I had so I had to make do. 

As the pictures below show there was a lot of work to do. Durthu has too much of a neck, so the neck had to go to make him look like a proper treeman. Then, his arms weren't quite right. I wanted him to be positioned like a 4th edition rat ogre with both arms over his head. This meant the left arm had to be repositioned and the right arm cut into 3 parts and then repositioned. Lots of pinning involved in all of it. Then, Durthu has a well-defined waist and that just wouldn't do. So I had to rejigger his legs and cut away at that region of his body so that he had a more trunk-like torso-leg area. Then all the gaps were filled with green stuff and flowers added all over. 

Next the good for nothing Elves making a riotous noise in the woods.

First we have an over-exposed elf doing a Watcher Pose on his Yoga mat. This elf is a giant eagle rider from Grenadier. I didn't have a use for him on an eagle so I figured he sorta looked like he was stretching or something, so yoga elf it was.

Next, an elf tending to a horse. Perhaps I could use him as a rank filler for a cavalry unit?? This guy is another grenadier elf standard bearer and a grenadier horse. Basic conversion for a civilian elf.

This guy was an elf I found in a minis bin at a hobby store for $2 so I got him. He's not remarkable, so I figured that made him good enough for a baggage train.

These elves were plunked on the tree as an homage to Bob Olley's pint pals. Eventually they will get a banner on that pole behind them.

Picture of April's work all together. 5 Elves and a treeman.


  1. AHAH I love the Yoggi wood elf :D, Durthu looks also so cute with his little flowers !

  2. Great work on Thornback-Durthu, though it could be argued that it would have been easier just to get one of those other Treemen... ;) Imaginitive re-use of those pesky partying elves, too. It all really adds to your hippy vibe.

  3. Durthu looks better than ever!
    The elves of the baggage train are a fun addition to the army.

  4. A pint pals homage is always a great idea and it's really nicely executed! I think I have your gnome pint pals in my lead pile and will hopefully get an opportunity to include them to the challenge some year

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Brilliant conversion on Durthu!

  7. AW man, that's a cracking conversion - the flowers make it too - what a non-flower plucker!

  8. The reposing on Durthu is impressive and makes him very dynamic! I love the idea for the two Elven musicians and the banner pole behind them, and all of the elven civilians in fact :)

  9. All the work on the conversion really paid off - great looking results!
