
Monday, May 13, 2024

Sybou - chaos army - month 4 - Leader - 512 points

 Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing great.

I managed to not use my Mulligan for this month, i'm in a row.

This month will be for my leader, the Antaron the not so quiete rusty champion of chaos.

Antaron was supposed to be a Nurgle Follower but I forgot and I painted him like a chaos normie in Red and Black :)

LoL, he's pretty cool this way:

The Leader of the Army that wants to destroy The Empire

Antaron is a Reaper Miniatures I bought years ago just to add ranks to my chaos warriors. Then I converted him as a radical Inquisitor for inquisimunda. I never really played it so the inquisitors and their retinue joined my different armies.

Antaron got upgraded to the rank of Heroes and here he is.

He got a massive hammer able to break castle wall, the "Siege breaker".

Then i added 11 beastmen to my big unit:

The Five going mad on Mescaline

Here we have a cool cat painted in white, the club of death with a recovered club and 3 broos painted as generic chaps.

A couple of doggos

The big guy is a c27 beastman named Khornag. He looks really cool. I saw him painted on the net and i tried to paint him the same way. The other is a Khorne fellow named "sword 18". I tried to copy the painted from the slaves of darkness book.

Nurgle vs Slaanesh

Here we have 2 pestigors that look like twins. Then 2 slaangors, that I tried to paint as temple guards, pretty clean for chaos followers.

My plan was to get done my 5 dragon ogres in April but I failed:

I only did 3

They're not here for joking ...

I had the one on the left for maybe 20 years ... It felt good to finally paint him. I'm pretty sure i can finish the 2 last ones in May.

I painted for 512 points of miniatures.

I still have to do:

  • 16 beastmen
  • 2 dragon ogres
  • 1 Wizard on disk
  • 1 offering!
  • 1 Wildcard month

If everything is going well, i shall finish my 19 miniatures in May in order to focus myself on the wildcard in June.

Cheers guys, take care!                                                                                            Sybou

Bye from the squad


  1. I love the beastman with bird legs !!!

  2. That's a good month. Always good to see a Reaper mini dragged into Warhammer, they do make some nice characters. Great job on the assorted classic Chaos and Broo guys. And then Dragon Ogres as well!

  3. Your beastman collection is amazing! I love beastmen and checking out your monthly offering is a real treat. Looking forward to the remaining 16!

  4. Outstanding work on all of these, I love the Dragon Ogres!

  5. Some lovely old Broo and Beastment here! I love that you got to paint a mini you've had for 20 years. That is always a great feeling :)
