
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Tom's Chaos Renegades: Rank and File 3

Well, April  has been a definite challenge and I am bracing for May to be harder too.
I've finally moved into the New House. Everything is in boxes and in the bedlam of packing up the Old House, I've no idea where everything is now๐Ÿค”

It's been quite a while since I have picked up a paintbrush for the OWAC. Fortunately I still have a few painted models in reserve, which were painted in previous months in a frenzy of motivation! However, it is very difficult to recreate the paint scheme on the newer additions. It is another reminder for me to try to paint everything in a unit in one concentrated block, or to keep a record of colours and processes.
I will probably ignore all this and just give way to the immediate paint inspiration...

Another thing to add to the Challenge of this year is an increasing lack of mojo. Having had my main focus elsewhere, I've found my hobby motivation to be in a serious slump. I'm imagining May to be a Wildcard/Mulligan month and for me to focus maybe on painting some terrain in order to get back into the swing of things. 
I hope that the addition of some terrain will enthuse me to paint more models to put in front of it. 
Here's a pic of some OWAC models on top of the terrain I have in mind (they're from Fogou Models - specifically their Adobe range: link). 
Initially I brought a couple for my ork army, and I asked all family members to buy one as Christmas presents, so now I am lucky enough to own a whole village! ๐Ÿ‘‡

Anyway - onwards to pictures!

I have managed to paint three Pink Horrors, six Blue Horrors, a Tzeentch marine, and then a Nurgle Champion on Palanquin, and a Fiend of Slaanesh to round things out...
Firstly though, I painted this Tzeentchian Screamer ๐Ÿ‘‡ which I painted very quickly/roughly to get used to weilding a brush. It's the first model completed in the New House. 

And now on to the Horrors๐Ÿ‘‡

This Horror below๐Ÿ‘‡is a recently painted one, and you can see the difference in paint, like the body is a lot more fluorescent pink and the hands are somewhat lighter. Having loved the Tzeentch models of last month, I found just painting the Pink Horror,, to be a little dull.
Truly Tzeentch works in mysterious ways!

I've also lent my blood paint to a friend, so the base lacks its blood, but that will be rectified next month.

The Blue Horrors ๐Ÿ‘‡

What cheeky little scamps. I very much enjoyed painting these :)

This guy is a recent paint๐Ÿ‘‡There's a lot more fluro paint used on him , and he's photographed quite a bit brighter than the others maybe because of this. 

One more Tzeentch based marine ๐Ÿ‘‡ which was base coated, then re-stripped, then restarted in February and finally finished today on the 22nd April!

This Slaanesh Fiend 
Painted really very quickly. I should really go back and edge highlight the sections in the tail, but naaaaaah... Hopefully it can be a slight colour test for the Daemonettes that I have planned...

The Nurgle Champion ๐Ÿ‘‡

I'm very pleased to have completed this one, although he is Very Delicate. The banners are very tenuously glued in to the base and a bit on the chair. I think everything else I managed to pin, but I was not brave enough to attempt the bannerpoles...

I was also bowled over by this miniature that I received in the post from the mighty Paul McFarlane (instagram) who is painting Wood Elves for this OWAC (link to his April post).

(It is usual for a painted model to be sent to Iannick Martin - the great Overlord and Founder of the OWAC. However, this years entry fee is to be sent to another participant, as Iannick has stepped away for this year and I am lucky enough to receive a model that Paul has specifically painted for my army. It's absolutley amazing - thank you Paul!)

It is a seamless match for my Khorne regiment, and I have based this ol' Space Crusade mini on a larger Champions base as befitting his status ๐Ÿ‘Š
It also remains the only model I have that's painted by someone else, which makes it even more special.

Here he is leading a small gang...  ๐Ÿ‘‡ 

I also did win a pound on the scratcher that was included, so the Gods were shining on me that day! I will follow sir from now and send a scratchcard with my Entry Free model in  future OWAC's ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyhow, that's me done for this month. 
Probably not the best month when it comes to army list percentages/requirements, but....
On to the roundup!


Intro - army list: link
January - rank and file 1 / Khorne: link
February - rank and file 2 / Tzeentch: link
March - Leaders: link

April - rank and file 3
105...   Pink Horrors x3
Free...  Blue Horrors x6
28...     Fiend of Slaanesh
78...     Mighty Champion on Palanquin (mark of Nurgle)
Free...  OWAC Khorne Champion 

Total: 211

Cheers for checking this month out! Hopefully I can muster up a few more Marines in May ๐Ÿ‘Š


  1. I'm not a fan of chaos (especially deamons), but that old horrors are marvelous. Somewhere between horror and pastiche. Outstanding painting.

  2. Love the colours! A proper Realms of Chaos look, inspiring stuff!

  3. Awesome army !!! love the colours !

  4. Congratulations on your new home! and finishing another month full of cracking miniatures! You have a special talent in colour composition

  5. Fantastic as usual, mate! I love the Blue Horrors and the psychedelic Screamer in particular. I hope the mojo returns soon, cause I just have to see more of this army

  6. That is an absolutely astounding output for ANY month, never mind one where you were actively moving house! I really must try and see this force in the (psychedelic) flesh one day.

  7. Properly mindbending colours, never seen anything like that Screamer before I think? The very embodiment of Chaos :)

  8. A suitably chaotic and eclectic month - and I really don't think they suffer from the slight variations in painting, it just emphasises the chaos :)

    The Nurgle Champ on Palanquin stands out for me. I love how vibrant you have kept him, yet very green and gribbly and very Nurgle at the same time. It's an iconic mini for me and you have done a fantastic job!

    That SC Chaos Marine really is a great fit for your Khorne Unit - I've really enjoyed that aspect of this OWAC and this is a great example!
