
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

AdamH’s Skaven month five - Leader(s) Month!

OK, so I went kind of mad this month. I had a plan, knew what I wanted to paint and had it prepared. Then saw a model that had been sat on my painting pile for ages and decided to add that to the mix. Then I remembered an old conversion I made and sold and decided to remake that as well.

What I ended up with is a huge amount of characters/leaders that I couldn’t possibly play in a single game but that now give me a bunch of options so that is nice.

So I am going to start small and build from there; first up we have some assassins. Up until now I had just been using some Gutter Runners painted in a previous challenge as assassins however I wanted to have some of the newer models ready to use:

Next up we have some Warlock Engineers. I wanted to try and have one model to represent each of the wizard level available to them, plus the Arch Warlock himself, Ikit Claw! This also gives me a few equipment options like the Brass Orb and Warlock Pistol:

Next up is the conversion I mentioned at the start of this entry. So many years ago (15 I think?) I restarted the hobby and built a Skaven army, it was mostly the then-current plastics, I ended up selling this army along with all my Warhammer during one of those phases where I was questioning what I was spending my time on. Well there were a number of conversions in that army that I miss and this is one of them. Therefore I decided to try my best to re-create it and got pretty close! Here is a WiP shot:

Plus I made it so that the “Grey Seer” can be removed from the top and put on a standard base should I want to run him on foot. There are magnets under the base, in the top of the “Bell” tower, and under the seer:

I plan to use this as a Screaming Bell proxy (since a bell can technically be put in a unit of Plague Monks I wanted a thematically consistent one), or if I play later versions of Warhammer I suppose it could also be a Plague Claw catapult. Anyway here it is all finished:

Finally we have the big boi that has been sitting unpainted in my pile for years. I’m just going to show the pictures here, not much to say other than I have two Vermin Lords now apparently, so that’s cool:

Month five stats:

Models painted: 9?

Total points: 1,934 (lol)

Glowy rocks painted: Many

Next up is the final month! Yay! I have the Jezzails as well as a few other bits I have been working on throughout the challenge and will try and get everything finished together for a nice big finish. Good luck everyone!


  1. That's a great month and represents loads of work on both painting and converting fronts. It bodes well for your 'big' finish! :)

  2. Very characterful, nice colours, it all goes together very well

  3. What an absolutely amazing month! I was immediately taken by the Assassin's poisoned blades and Ikit's armour. But the Screaming Bell is just incredible. Love it!

  4. Oooh, Verminlord colour scheme is very striking. And the Screaming Bell, reposeable with magnets, is the sort of thing I absolutely *love* and might have done myself, only yours is way better. What a great month!

  5. That's commendable quality and quantity, especially for a leader month. I love the screaming bell conversion and it's great that you got a piece of your old army back!

  6. The screaming bell is awesome!!!!

  7. Seconding all the comments here - the screaming bell is great work!
    The more modern sculpts really fit in well with your older ones - one of my favourite skaven models this month though is that Warplock Engineer holding the ball 🙂
    Congrats on recreating a piece of your hobby history - it's gotta feel so good 👌
