
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Ben's Eldar - OWAC VII - Rank and File Month 4

"Unit after unit of Guardians arrived and took their place in the formation.  Mighty Spirit Warriors stalked among the ranks on long insect-like legs.  As the last of the force assembled Karhedron speculated on the nature of the enemy they were to face."

In my last rank and file month I've been busy bulking out the army as much as I could with troops and support, including a shuriken-cannon jetbike that was the very kind gift of OWACer Graeme (before heading for a dip in Dettol).  So, with a small head start from the end of last month, and a bit of a method now for cranking out blue, yellow and wraithbone troops to tabletop standard, I've completed:

8 Guardians, and a shield platform made of a spare metal platform and a modern guardian shield widget.  The banner icon and cross-pole is from a High Elf banner

A Dreadnought with Missile Launcher (spare from a modern Vyper Jetbike kit)

A weapons platform with Lascannon/Bright Lance (ditto)

Three Guardian Jetbikes

A war walker (RT pilot, 2nd ed. weapons)

And 7 Scouts plus a later model which is a bit larger in scale and I'll use for a leader.

I was doing quite well in rebalancing the army away from expensive characters... until I saw a Dire Avenger Phoenix Lord model with a missing banner pole that was relatively cheap. 

Asurmen, founder of the first Aspect Warrior shrines 

May total: 949 pts

8 Guardians, Lasgun - 88 pts
3 Guardians, Jetbike, 1 Shuriken Cannon - 98 pts
Lascannon on Anti-Grav Platform - 59 pts
8 Scouts - 184 pts
Dreadnought, Missile Launcher - 205 pts
War Walker, Lascannon, Scatter Laser - 150 pts
Asurmen - 165 pts

For my June wildcard month, I plan to make some terrain based on a crashed ship.  I also have some one or two Warlocks and some swooping hawks left to paint, including Baharroth.  If I get him painted, that'll be one Phoenix Lord per month and the set completed!  That was not an aim I had at the start, but they were such good models to paint, each one seemed like a treat at the end of the month and I ended up with the whole lot.


  1. Great work repurposing all the later parts to pimp up the older weapon platforms etc. It definitely adds character and variation. I love the idea of the shield platform. Asurmen looks proper stern. Great job!

    1. I've found that these models can be got much cheaper if they're missing the odd bit, and then had fun scouring other listings for odd bits...

  2. Absolutely beautiful blue and yellow! Asurmen is on another level - so nice! The white helmet stands out in a really great way

  3. I can be a bit of a purist, but I also enjoy and applaud a well taken "converturtunity", as I like to call a cheap broken mini. You've made it all look seamless with you lovely smooth painting again. This is the sort of project which makes me both itch to paint Eldar, and fear to do so! Setting a high bar :)

  4. I have enjoyed following this project grow and will probably borrow your colour scheme of yellow, blue and white to my epic scale Eldars + looking forward to the crashed ship next month!

  5. How can I not LOVE them when your color schemme is the same than the football team I supoort!

  6. Flipping brilliant. And incredible output this month. The warwalker being my favourite - great job!
