
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Filippo's Undead - Rank and File III



Far from the massive amount of models painted during the first months, I managed to squeeze ten zombies with command group in May (between a large amount of other stuff not related to OWAC, May is always a busy month)

While not part of my original list, any Undead general always keeps some zombies around, waiting to raise them at the right moment 

I'm still missing Vlad and Isabella, the chariot, two carrions and another ghost... lucky me, we have just announced a Mordheim tournament in July, set during the Vampire Wars!

Back to the painting station, a real horde is coming next month..


  1. Great job. I've always loved those Zombie sculpts. I know that GM's sculpts are, at times, divisive but his undead are what got me into the hobby in '94 and I'm still here for them. I couldn't afford more than about 10 in the '90s and the ones I originally had have long gone by the wayside, but I was happy to get a unit of 20 of them a couple if years back that are sitting I. My Deadcember painting queue (every year I try and oaint a new unit and/or character fir my Undead army).

  2. Very nice! The banner and shields are awesome

  3. Nice unit, glorious old school banner. I actually have a huge VC army with no zombies in it (for lore-related aesthetic reasons and totally not because I didn't want to paint 100 of them, that's a lie, who told you that?) and these make me slightly sad about that - well done!

  4. That's a really nice unit with a really nice banner. You have had a really good run so far this year, good luck in the final month!

  5. Zombies are essential Undead fodder in my book, whether it is massed ranks of monopose HQ models, or lovely characterful sculpts like these, how can a Necormancer be taken seriously without them!? Goodjob :)

  6. Nothing like paint zombies to enjoy painting with shades! I like how they look

  7. Iconic banner, and the shields look awesome!
