
Friday, July 5, 2024

Byron's Hippie Wood Elves - Leader Month (166 points)

 This month was a relatively Low-Effort Month. I just painted up 4 minis and 4 banners (and almost finished 2 more cavalry).

Here's a pic of all the banners together.

First is a banner for my archers regiment (26 pts). It has a slogan "Save the Krakens" as a fantasy interpretation of the old "Save the Whales" environmentalist slogan from the 70s.

Here I have done my best to paint a Kraken based on the Man O' War miniature. 

Next we have the army battle standard (98 pts). This is a freehand homage to the sun banner included in Warhammer armies. This is my favorite banner of the group.

On the back I have painted some lyrics to a Beatles song that is a bit on the nose. 

The front of this banner is painted as a homage to the original Wood Stock poster.

And the back is a minor alteration on the Woodstock posters, here it is Woadstock, because they are celtic-y wood elves.

The wardancers' banner  (42 pts) has a quote attributed to Emma Goldman. Y'know because they dance and hippies are semi-revolutionary movement... and dancing would be important to them... 

The other side of the banner features a freehand stylized picture of two dancing elves silhouetted by a fire in the woods.  

Finally, my tribute: a marauder Dark Elf Assassin painted in a color scheme that I think will generally match my secret Santa. Not to get him in the mail this weekend. 


  1. Great banners, I love the way you've borrowed the original designs and slogans, that's very clever

  2. Nice idea for the banners, and the wardancer banner bearer conversion is great too :)

  3. The sun banner is very nicely painted and actually even better than the original. Great work!

  4. These are so fun! The concept for the banners is perfect for this army. Love em

  5. Ahh, the banners are gorgeous! I really like the lyre one :)
