
Saturday, July 6, 2024

Shadespyre's June Post - Wildcard Month - Guardians of the Moonglade - 3rd Edition Wood Elves (+955 points)

 OWAC VII - Wildcard Month - Guardians of the Moonglade


The final month. To be honest, having completed everything in the original plan and so much of the reserves it was a bit  hard to get going again for a final effort. But once I did get back to it I enjoyed ticking the last few units off my list.

Let's start with some extra Elf heroes. I'm very aware that by concentrating on unit after unit of archers, I have missed out on painting some of the great Elf minis of the period, so here are four of them:

I would have loved to include a unit or two of these guys for some proper melee potential, but the sad truth is they are difficult and expensive to collect in numbers, possibly because they are so cool that no-one wants to part with them. The champion with the orc head, and the one with the sword above his head, are iconic members of this range, but the Elf with the two handed sword has always been my favourite, so I wanted to paint one.

These guys represent my Autumn, Spring, Summer and an experimental Winter colour scheme. I really like how the latter looks, but he doesn't feel very "Wood Elfy" to me, so maybe this is a starting point for a High Elf army...

And now for some completely unplanned, bonus miniatures.

Once I realised that the Owl theme was going to be a thing, I went fishing in my collection to find thisold favourite. This dapper chap is a Citadel C29 Giant Owl from back in 1985. The code makes him part of the "Monsters" range even though he is a total sweetheart. I elevated him on a grassy tump to make him a little more impressive next to the Elves. It might be possible to pop a rider on him but I'll be including him as part of a Monstrous Host.

Also unplanned, here is a Blunicorn of unknown origin, pinched off Ebay for a fiver. Is it even a Wood Elf army without a Blunicorn? I feel like everyone else in Team Wood Elves has one, now.

Sadly, without a suitable Elf maiden to ride her, Bluey will have to stay as a mascot rather than a points scoring unit.

Back to planned bonus miniatures, now.

Hidden Reserves

These vague blobs were numbers 6 and 7 on the list

And now I can reveal that the vague blobs are hiding lots and lots and lots of... Halflings!

Everyone loves halflings, right? There's an Ally list for them in Warhammer Armies, and Wood Elves (along with Empire, Brets and Dwarves) are allowed to make use of them. But I didn't want to use the chubby, chicken munching, cook pot wearing Citadel Halflings (even though I have collected one of each of all the 80s and 90s ranges) here, I wanted more rugged looking, serious minded Halflings who might live in the outer forest, farming and hunting and foraging and tussling with wolves and goblins and beastmen. And that meant Mark Copplestone's halflings, currently available via North Star Miniatures.

After rushing to convert a command group back in December, I revisited these poor efforts and am much happier with the newer version.

Now painted and complete with their 6th Edition Empire plastic hats. The oak leaf standard is again made from cheap jewellery, which is a gold mine of little metal bits and bobs, it turns out. The standard bearer has goofy buck teeth, so we haven't entirely left the comedy halfling trope behind. 

As well as some very cheap BS4 missile fire, this unit also contains three characters and the option to carry a magic standard and a magic weapon.

The rest of the halfling contingent is made up of skirmishers with slings. Skirmishing Elves always seem like a bit of a waste of points as they are decent close combat troops, whereas these little fellas have no business tangling with anything bigger than a Goblin.

And finally (?)

Hidden Reserve No 8

The funny shaped blob conceals the Forest Dragon, Quercus.

And here is my painted version.

Although this is a brand new resin model, and not produced by GW, there is a proper connection to Oldhammer because the sculptor is Trish Carden who sculpted about a zillion Citadel, GW and Forgeworld minis starting way back in 1984.

You can get your own Quercus from Footsore Miniatures, who are casting and distributing Trish's growing HarrowHyrst miniatures range. 

Army List Additions:

I'm not considering the heroes or the blunicorn to be part of the army list, but it's not like I'm short of points is it?

Adding Champions to the halfling slingers doubles the cost of each unit, but also gives them a surprising combat boost in the form of three WS4 attacks which might swing a fight with enemy skirmishers.

Scores for June:       955    points   71 models

1 x Autumn Hero                                                                                                                   
1 x Spring Hero
1 x Summer Hero
1 x Winter Hero    
1 x Blunicorn                                                                                                                        0 points 

Halfling Allies List:
1 x Halfling Contingent Commander                                                                             77 points
1 x Ally Standard Bearer                                                                                                   73 points         
22 x Halfling Militia     (Champion, Musician, Bow, Light Armour, Shield)         144 points
10 x Halfling Militia      (Champion, Shield, Sling)                                                     84 points         
10 x Halfling Militia      (Champion, Shield, Sling)                                                     84 points
10 x Halfling Militia     (Champion, Shield, Sling)                                                      84 points  
10 x Halfling Militia     (Champion, Shield, Sling)                                                      84 points 

Monstrous Host:
1 x Giant Owl (counted as Giant Eagle)                                                                      75 points
1 x  Dragon                                                                                                                       250 points 
Running Total:          7902  points  228  models


I just received this glorious Ral Partha Cloud Giant, an absolute classic old mini by the great Tom Meier, painted for me by our OWAC pal Chris Howell. Thanks Chris, he's fantastic, and such a generous gift! 


Some army pictures and reflections on the project.


  1. Ooooh! I was never going to guess the Halfling ally contingent (even though the Copplestone sculpts seem to fit perfectly with your units of Wood Elves) but I should have guessed Quercus! If I didn't already have a Forest Dragon to paint I would definitely be getting that sculpt. You've done a lovely job on it.

    The Elven Heroes all look great, and that Winter scheme makes him look like a Sea Elf (or Coastal Elf, as I'm now experimenting with as an idea) because who doesn't need more Elf projects to work on!?! :D

    1. Glad you like my Quercus, Trish has done a brilliant job making him and i wanted to do that justice.

      Always more Elves, yes! Folks seem to like the Winter guy so I might try a whole unit in future.

  2. So much greatness this month !!! I love everything. My favorite is your dragon, he looks amazing, I love that it looks like a mix between a treeman and a dragon. He is perfect ! Heroes are fantastic too, well done !!!

    1. Thanks, I'm happy with the dragon and even happier that you like him too :)

  3. The dragon is beautifully painted and a very nice fit with your army even though it's a modern era sculpt but the halflings are awesome and my favourite part of this month. I was not aware of these models and would definitely look into buying some of them if I didn't have one unpainted halfling army already. Awesome month again!

    1. Thanks for the Halfling love! Mark Copplestone has a great style and these were just what I needed. His Grenadier Miniatures Wood Elves are also classics (and quite a lot of Team Wood Elf have them in their armies)

  4. There's just an overwhelming amount of cool stuff in this post! The dragon is absolutely spectacular. Trish's models are real treasures, and you've painted it up to such an amazing standard.

    I also love the Wintery elf! I think it looks perfectly Wood Elf-y - just a different aspect of them!

    1. Thanks James. Yes, three cheers for Trish, she's a treasure herself :)
