
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Byron's Hippy Wood Elves - Wrap up Post

 First things first, I have a few additional models painted up for the wrap-up post.

First, Elrobic Ripesight. He is a wood elf hero. He has been lightly converted from a pointing finger to a hippy peace sign and flowers around his head. 

Next, Dolbriele Windprancer, a hero on great eagle. He is also mildly converted to wield a spear from a 4th ed glade rider champion. (When he came into my possession his spear was broken clear off, so this wasn't a conversion of preference so much as necessity.) He rides a grenadier eagle. 

Bears. That's it. Just a buncha bears. None of them are citadel bears. They come from a few sources: ral partha, grenadier, foundry. I wasn't able to find the time to paint up some beastmasters. 

Finally, I added pennants to my Elven Lords. I really like pennants on cavalry. 

Now for the poses with the entire army. 

The obligatory Ansell Pose. 

Reflections and what not
This year I challenged myself to paint only using cheap craft paints. I was surprised at some of the results I was able to achieve, but I don't think I will willingly go back (unless I want to paint more Wood Elves in matching colors.) The yellow, Orange, and Green colors were frustrating to work with. I found myself doing a lot of cheats by painting the models white and washing surfaces with thinned down paints. I made do and am ultimately happy with the general results. The old craft silver paint on the other hand is the best silver paint I have ever used. Two thin coats and it looks like its burnished aluminum. 

There were a lot more models I wanted to paint, but life kept getting in the way. I now have a tub of wood elves for a second wave - monopose archers, wild cats, dryads, spearmen, way watchers etc. One day. 

Next year, I have planned an Eldar Pirate army. It's mostly RT and 2nd ed Eldar, with a few 3rd ed Dark Eldar and maybe some 4th ed parts in there. I've got two scratch-build vehicles ready to go. My kids play 4th ed, so I have made a Pirate Eldar Codex so I can use my models with them. 

But I might have to bow out of OWAC 8 to focus on sculpting some dwarves and mixed hobbying priorities. (I still owe Quinton his Giant). 


  1. My hat is off to you Byron, you have managed to turn out a truly unique looking Wood Elf army while also running the challenge, and that is no small feat of cat herding!

    The fact I had forgotten you were only using craft paints is testament to what a great job you have done with them. Congratulations and thank you!

  2. I'm puzzled by the level of painting you managed to achieve with the simple craft paints. Maybe we are spending our money on fancy paint pots for nothing (no, I'm not going to try them).

    More importantly, it's great that you made these Elves your own with small conversions and green stuff additions. Your army is fantastic!

  3. Congratulations to the Revolution's leader for going to the end of the Owac!

    You really stick to your theme's army.

  4. I still think this was a damned silly idea (working with a limited palette of "proper" paints would have been less frustrating), but here we are with a marvellous army at the end of it. And you invented the Blunicorn along the way! Well done.

  5. Haha, no that is an amazing Ansell-shot! Congratulation on finishing such a challenging, unique project and making ever model look so beautiful! I really like your new heroes, especially Elrobic. Fantastic stuff

  6. Go go go go team Wood elves. Your army looks fantastic on the tablet but the "Ansell Pic" is soooooo awesome, 100% San Francisco 60s feeling!

  7. What an achievement! This army would look great anyway, but the fact you used those paints makes it phenomenal! And you had to run the whole challenge! Incredible.

  8. Ahh, that's a cracking end of OWAC shot! Amazing work, showing that craft paints can be used for a higher finish than previously thought. Sculpting all those bell bottoms, flowers and little things as well as Oversseing the OWAC is outstanding.

  9. Great army Byron, and the back drop makes everything :D
