
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Filippo's Undead - Wrapping up 6 maddening months

"I feel fine, why do you ask?"

I love the smell of decaying corpses in the scorching heat of the Italian summer, it smells like another OWAC finished..

While the original has not been completed, the amount of models painted has exceeded my expectations and in the end it was worth it.

From the original Tier I list there were no time to finish the carrions, the chariot and the Necromancer,  so not a big deal, but on the other hand I managed to complete:
2 Vampires on foot
1 Lahmia
40 additional skeletons with spears
10 Wolves
10 Fell Bats
12 Zombies
5 Bats swarms
5 Spirit Host
1 Wraiths
4 Siege Towers
1 Battering Ram
20ish Woods terrain
20ish Houses and buildings
1 Wizard tower
One set and a half of plastic GW walls
Another foam castle
Many scatters, barricades and fun stuff for the Vampires camp

..and stuff for other games too..

Looking back, I've really exaggerated this year. Many sleepless nights rushing to have all the materials ready both for the Legions Imperialis table at Modena and the Undead and terrain for the Mordheim tournaments, my wife was supportive but concerned. I promised that I would never do that again..

That's why in 2025 we are planning a huge event for WH40K! It's a totally different game!

The siege of Altdorf during the Mordheim Tournament

Altdorf has no hope, the ring was not stolen this time

In July I managed to paint something else before the tournament. I could not have the Von Carstein on the table ready

Vlad and Isabella Von Carstein

Konrad Kurze

Manfred Von Carstein

And something else for The Old World 

Black Coach

Zombie Dragon

So, in the end this is the work at the end of July

And this is the complete collection with the models I already painted previously (spot the differences)

I cannot thank enough Davide "Dadde" Ferrari, who lent us his entire Oldhammer collection of Empire and Vampire Counts for the siege, and Davide Giurissini, for building some of the best terrains I've painted and played with

Many thanks to my supportive and REALLY patient wife, and my four years old son, who helped me with some of the terrains. I spent many wonderful hours with him, painting stuff I could have completed in a fraction of the time..

And thanks for all the OWAC partecipants and admins! Your works are amazing!

Now.. where are those goddam Ultramarines?..


  1. Wow! Now that is a seriously productive OWAC and major bonus points for tying it in to the big games including all the scenery. Love that you got to spend time with your son. Start 'em young! Congratulations on a mighty OWAC :D

  2. Sounds like you had quite a ride this season! Your productivity and perseveranve is admirable. Anyway, the zombie dragon with it's banner, the vampires, all of your army and all that terrain looks amazing!

    + Hobby time with your son is time very well spent and I'm looking forward for your father son duo projects!

  3. This is so cool, you played your army in a big game!
    Congratulations for finishing the owac.
    I'll send you the skellington this week.

  4. That'd be an impressive enough army even if it had been the only thing you worked on, but to produce that in the shadow of those two other projects is just incredible. Thank god you had a little helper! I look forward to him joining in somewhere around OWAC XV :)

  5. Wow! What an incredible Siege board! And what an amazing job you've done on so many final minis. Love the richness of the Von Carstein couple. Just beautiful work throughout the entire challenge - congrats

  6. So many miniatures!!! You have painted miniatures I want to Paint too. Now I can use them as a guide. I really LOVE the work on the dragon

  7. OMG, that seige board is incredible! Like Shadespyre says, the fact you have completed a magnificent OWAC a l o n g s i d e the other BIG projects is crazy.
    Fantastic stuff!
