
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Tom's Chaos Renegades - rank and file 4: 283points

So ... June. The last month of the OWAC. 
I should be feeling psyched, getting the last of the required models all finished but instead I have fallen in to a painting doldrum. I thought that maybe making more terrain would shake me out of it so I have made some movement trays a bit more Chaosy with the addition of milliput. Full pics of these next month with the full army picsπŸ™‚:

And then also experimented with some rocks made from foam - nice and easy. I've now learned not to put a rock onto another rock - it looks in these cases quite unnatural...

Sorry for the sideways pic. Some computer gremlins won't let me correct it :(

Then a huge portion of this month was put into Other Projects (oh the shame!).

I did manage *some* models though! 
Here's a Nurgle marine and his inspired fan sculpt from BeQuest Miniatures πŸ‘‡

And the corresponding Slaanesh pair πŸ‘‡

I'm fact I been loving the Tzeentch colour scheme, so I did another pair (again, GW and BeQuest) πŸ‘‡

I then started on trying to round out the Pink Horror unit, and managed these two, to bring the unit up to Five πŸ‘‡

Their respective Blue Horrors are currently sat in the base coat awaiting motivations...Hopefully they'll be done for the full army pics...

And then, the groove returned! But only for two miniatures. But daaang, what miniatures!

First up is Festimus from Knightmare Miniatures. I used one of Knightmare's resin Chaos banners to convert him into the Army Standard Bearer. I pointed the resin banner in place and created a tentacle from milliput to help hold it in place. Fingers crossed it never gets dropped! πŸ‘‡

And now the finale! 
Drums roll, trumpets sound!
Behold, the Emperor in Alternate Chaos ColoursπŸ‘‡: 

I initially thought he'd convert to Slaanesh, so should be Pink to fit in with the rest of my Slaanesh. But, Tzeentch played a strong hand and influenced the other colours. I was really wary of ending up with a model with a scheme I was unhappy with (kinda like the undivided sorcerer), but I really like how vibrant he has come out. 
Motivation came from a paint set switch, so he's been painted using the Rogue Hobbies ProAcryl set, and a nod to Louise Sudgen in the prismatic sword blade (although I haven't yet watched the video, but I see it referenced a lot!)
I like the original Eye of Horus on the shoulder pad, and then the GW one on the kneepad to kinda show where the Emperor's allegiance lies...

And that wraps up the final working month of the OWAC! Hopefully before the final army pics are taken I'll be able to muster up the gumption to finish painting the last three BeQuest fan sculpts and their respective originals, and those four Blue Horrors. Unfortunately I have a sinking feeling that that might be too much of an ask, but it's good to have an aim and write it down anyway!

Here's the breakdown:

Intro - army list: link
January - rank and file/Khorne: link
February - rank and file/Tzeentch: link
March - leaders: link
April - rank and file/Daemons: link
May - wildcard: link

June - Rank and File
35...     2 x Nurgle marines (the previous Champion and 
FREE  2 x Slaanesh marines (I need to paint one more to be a countable unit)
70...     2 x Tzeentch marines
70...     2 x Pink Horrors
55...     1 x Nurgle standard bearer (counts as army icon bearer
58...     1 x Mighty Champion of Chaos
Total: 283


Final Army List as it stands at the end of the working OWAC....

52...     1 x Sorcerer on Disc
175...   5 x Pink Horrors
FREE  6 x Blue Horrors
240...   8 x Thousand Sons
FREE  4 x Flamers

FREE...     2 x Noise Marines (need at least three to make a unit)
FREE...     1 x Fiend of Slaanesh
FREE...     5 x Daemonettes

40...     1 x Aspiring Champion of Nurgle on Palanquin + stand in
105...   3 x Plague Marines
FREE  1 x Plaguebearer champ

FREE  1 x OWAC Champion
FREE  1 x Flesh Hound
175...   5 x Bloodletters
45...     1 x Aspiring Champion
315...   9 x Beserkers

Command + Extra
91...    1 x Chaos Lord
55...    1 x Army Icon Bearer
58...    1 x Chaos Champion
FREE 1 x Keeper of Secrets
52...    1 x Sorcerer
FREE 1 x Chaos Frog (the True Master)
FREE 1 x Tzeentch Familiar
FREE 1 x Propaganda bot

Models: 62
Points cost:1403

I'll probably mess around with the army composition a bit to make it feel like a whole army to me. Seems just like Chaos for me to go and paint Khorne and Tzeentch factions together...le sigh!

Full army pics, new pics of all the models, and an army composition breadown next month! 
Many thanks for reading and following along. 
This OWAC for me has been the toughest so far. 
Congratulations to all the Challengers who pushed on through and gave it their all!



  1. Fantastic colours again, I love that sword blade it's quite subtle but very effective.

    It gets hard to keep painting once your brain has decided that the project is done, but I hope you get to finish those last miniatures for the final army post. It's going to look great, either way :)

    1. Thank you! And yeah, it's gonna be tough! I hope putting the final pictures together will inspire me πŸ˜¬πŸ™‚

  2. Sorry to hear you have been in the painting doldrums but what a magnificently maleficent month despite that! I love the two pink horrors in particular but the technicolour Tzeentchian "Emperor" is just fantastic. He's a bit like Faker from He-Man :D

  3. I love the idea of Emperor joining the forces of Chaos and would love to see you paint a Slaaneshian version of him too!

    You did very well during this and actually every month in this challenge and I hope you will get out of the doldrums soon

  4. Congrats on finishing all your model quota! You've done such an amazing job on all of them. I really love that you've painted up twins for all those classic RT sculpts. The Chaotic Emperor (ultimate heresy!) is also a psychedelic marvel. Love it!

    1. Thank you very much. The twinning is a sly way of getting that extra motivation for another model!

  5. Your heresy is a thing of beauty! The colouring is so rich! Absolutely gorgeous!
